Omg! Ahh! What An Idiot I Am!


Fish Crazy
Aug 18, 2005
Reaction score
North Carolina
well, i am probably the smartest person on the side of the Earth! well so alright, i currently had no fish in my 10 gallon tank, and i was cleaning it completly cause i had this junk stuff on the side, so, anyways, i was taking out all of the ornaments and putting them on a white towel, then i took out the heater, and i went and did some water changes and cleaning and stuff, and 20 minutes later i smelt this awful smell, and i realized that my heater was still on, so i freaked out, and it burned through the towel and thankfully there was my nc state rug there and it stopped the effect of it burning through the carpet, well what do i do next? i stick it into a bucket with water and it explodes, ending the perfect day :X :S :blink: :crazy: :lol: :D
I blew up a heater once. It makes you feel so stupid when it happens. Sorry to hear it!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Needed a laugh!

I have been just as stupid in past - did a big water change and forgot to turn off heater... needless to say when I poured water back into tank there was a sizzle and crack...
nah it was jsut like 15$, ill live, while tlaking aobut heaters, when you have goldfihs, do oyu need a heater, i mean i no that they are coldwater... but do eve nthey need a heater. jwing. but yea, sadly my 40$ rug has a huge hole in it, but it will live, im jsut happy that i didnt start a fire.
haha well i dont think i do... i live in NC, i think ill be fine, i guess if they can survive in our pond they can survive in a tank :D
yep ive heard of elk river, not that cold anymore, but a couple of weeks ago, the weather dumped 14 inches of snow on us!

My dad went to North Carolina a couple of years ago!

So you lost $55, that's still a lot!

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