Oliver's Tank Gives Way

now all you have to do is hope your filter is still alive :)

ain't I the bearer of good news :p

sorry waterdrop, couldn't resist that one.
excellent, glad to hear it :good:

you're right it does reflect very well on this store that they've been so cooperative.
Nice one Waterdrop, its not often Petsmart get good press on here. I'm glad you had a good experience with them, and that you are back up and running again. :good:
now all you have to do is hope your filter is still alive :)

ain't I the bearer of good news :p

sorry waterdrop, couldn't resist that one.

Oh man colin, your a piece of work, i remember reading his entire cycling thread and now this entire thread, and i feel awful for the guy... and there you are ready to throw in that last jab... :) :)

I found that to be intensely funny.

Waterdrop. sorry to hear about the horror show, good luck with the next one!
Wow, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss of the tank... not to mention the mess!

But I have to ask; how common are leaks of this nature? I'm a noob, so this is a little concerning for me. I only have a 3.5gal, but with the computer in the same room, I'd not like it to spill! :blink:
Tanks are normally pretty good. I have never had a new tank leak and only ever had 1 returned in all the yrs I spent in the petshop. it does come down to the tank builder and unfortunately a lot more tanks are being made in guess where, (China) where there are no quality controls so I guess there might be more tanks leaking in the future. But as a general rule it is very uncommon for a new tank to leak. In waterdrop's case the stand was a major contributing factor.
Im sorry to bump up this old thread, but im curious to find out how the new tank went, does any body know? Was the bacteria still alive? :S

Everything went fine Keith, all up and running now I believe - WD is on hols but Im sure will be happy to answer you when back :)
Everything went fine Keith, all up and running now I believe - WD is on hols but Im sure will be happy to answer you when back :)


Yup WD, is sunning it up on his holidays but he managed to save the bacteria and eventually got some fish maybe 6-8 weeks ago. They've settled fine, no mini cycle's or anything like that and WD and Oliver are both delighted with the results :D
Just read this old thread from the start. It does make you worry somewhat about your bigger tanks.

Would any of you experienced lot like to list some tips for newbies about tank stability?

My own worries:

My first big tank came with a stand (Juwel) but it was second hand. I thought I was all smug getting a freebie, but its worried me now. On the cabinet, the chipboard top that the tank sits on, shows a bit of deterioration. This is where drips run down the front of the cabinet and make the wood swell a bit. Im keeping a very close eye on this. But my instructions were very clear, do not stand this tank on any mat, put it straight onto the cabinet. BUT I didnt use a spirit level... the house is fairly old, creaky floorboards in other rooms, but fine where the tank is. Its a bit worrying isnt it.

Also my kitchen tank is on a breakfast bar. I tested the stability of this by sitting on it! But it struck me that this sort of structure might be prone to instability and pass that on to the tank, eg if vibrations came from an earth tremor, subsidence or even roadworks (which have been happening recently outside our house). I am going to buy some of those garden trug tubs and keep them as standby for catching stuff! Top tip there!

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