Oliver's New Tank

:) :) Good news this morning!

Oliver tested for ammonia and nitrite and after less than 24 hours, both had dropped to zero. This means not all our A-bacs died in the shed/bucket episode and still must have a decent population (N-bacs have seemed good all along now through all this disaster.) MW and our other experts must be right and the episode caused a mini-cycle.

Fishless Cycling Day 74 :rofl: :

Outdoors, Sunshine, 71.6F, light breeze, flowers everywhere you look, cat sitting on stone wall.
Tank: (more plant leaves look yellowed this morning)
No water changes since day 72. Filter flow seems good.
Tank tests: 84F, pH=7.2, Amm=0ppm, NO2=0ppm, Clarity=Very Clear
Add: Ammonia added to 4ppm at 11:15am
Observational Notes:
During the tank replacement I readjusted my eheim spray bar to make the outlet holes more horizontal to the top water surface. As of today I'm pleased with this adjustment as it seems to give a very nice surface agitation under a larger number of water level situations as the water slowly evaporates.

as i suspected then, should be just about ready for fish now!
Fishless Cycling Day 75 :flowers: :

Outdoors, Sunshine, 74F, light breeze, flowers everywhere you look, cat is hungry.
Tank: (more plant leaves look yellowed this morning)
No water changes since day 72. Filter flow seems good.
Tank tests: 12:30pm, 84F, pH=7.2, KH=3, Amm=0ppm, NO2=0ppm, Clarity=Very Clear
Add: Ammonia added to 4ppm at 12:45pm

Tank Tests: 9:30pm(8.75hrs later), 84F, Amm=0.75, Clarity=Very Clear
Add: Ammonia added (8 drpr squirts) should be near 4ppm at 9:45pm

A-bacs seem to be bouncing back nicely from mini-cycle, N-bacs still seem great.
(need to squelch thoughts of 2 angels AND 2 german blue rams...)

11pm: cat asleep,
mmmmmmmm angels and rams :D

i keep looking at the empty big tank in the living room and instead of cleaning it out and selling it i just think about setting up a tank with some lovely angels. tis a 350l tank, could have 6 angels with the natural colouring we were talking about before, a nice big group of threadfin rainbows, a group of congo tetra's and a big group of cories. :drool:
mmmmmmmm angels and rams :D

i keep looking at the empty big tank in the living room and instead of cleaning it out and selling it i just think about setting up a tank with some lovely angels. tis a 350l tank, could have 6 angels with the natural colouring we were talking about before, a nice big group of threadfin rainbows, a group of congo tetra's and a big group of cories. :drool:

Yeah, funny, that's sort of close to my scribblings on scratch paper. A little tribe of 5 or so cories, a nice bank of tetras schooling together, a pair of angels and/or those blue rams and then maybe a few normal zebras zipping around up top - its sort of close to some of my best community tanks years ago.

Meanwhile, my nitrite was spiked this morning, sigh.. my supposedly very nearly cycled filter won't let me understand it, but I shall carry on, I'm hopeful it will settle back down this week.

eventually it has to cycle..... it's been so close so many times at some point it will get finished and good to go.

have to say you've more patience than me, i'd have been raging at it many many times by this point
Congos are interesting! I've definately seen them and they've looked nice. I can see that the probably are among the freshwater fish that have rainbow coloring that becomes much more dramatic and wonderful when you've got them home and they are happy and adjusted and more mature. The 3" full-grown size gives me pause, since Oliver's tank is only a 28G. For you its probably no problem. For me it means a school would use up a lot of my 28" of fishbody. Still, as long as I didn't go with the silly idea of angels and rams both...

And boy, there are so many possibilites for the school... congos, lemons, rios, rasbora heteros, cards/neons of course, head/taillights, (wish I had a 300G with reefs of all of them!) The rasboras have been driving me crazy - wanted some all my life and never had any - those heteros (I think that's the specific type) keep showing up .. first there was a picture on the big ole Innes book we all had in the 60's and now jonesyUK I think has a beautiful avatar pic of one and I hear they keep tight schools and I'll bet max mature size isn't too big either...
yeah congo's are a touch big for your tank, beautiful fish though

you mean harlequin rasbora's? yeah lovely litle fish, hardy as anything, school very nicely, v pretty little fish.
Those rasboras you mention are stunning when settled, and I can voch that they are close schoolers :good: Adult should be arround 2 inches, thats the largest I have ever seen them... They are tough as old boots too, getting through fish-in cycles with me before I learnt about fishless cycling.

All the best
Thats a shame, most LFS over here stock them :sad: Beutiful fish :nod: Mebe there is some type of restriction on them -_-
you seriously struggle to get hold of harlequins? they're in pretty much every shop up here :unsure:
I've always had this feeling that harlequins and endlers both are much more common in UK. Not saying they aren't here, just more common there.

Probably some fishkeeper that travels to do talks at local aquarium societies could say better than this.


I've always had this feeling that harlequins and endlers both are much more common in UK. Not saying they aren't here, just more common there.

Probably some fishkeeper that travels to do talks at local aquarium societies could say better than this.


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