Okay... Time To Fess Up... :)

The February FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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coolie said:
No, it's literally called "concentrated aquarium dechlorinator", eBay, where else?
Oh right ahah! Fair enough :p
Wow, just found it. 30ml treats 12,000 litres, that's pretty impressive!
My first tank was a five gallon with two male kissing gourami and a fantail goldfish. They were lucky if I changed the water once a month.

I've only recently learned about cycling aquariums.

I kept a single Cory in a ten gallon with gravel.

I once overdosed my tank with algae removal stuff which covered all of my fish in this awful white slime, eventually suffocating them all.
I had 2 Dwarf gouramis, 6 Neons, 6 Threadfins, 2 Adolfo cories, and 3 guppies.....all in a 28Ltr.......at LFS recommendation......all died  within the month.....
Tek oot.
When I first started fishkeeping as a kid, my well meaning father bought me a cute little inch long black fish with white spots as a surprise gift for my community tank.
It was an Oscar !
Edit... Oh and I installed my first undergravel filter plate upsidedown.
>pete< said:
When I first started fishkeeping as a kid, my well meaning father bought me a cute little inch long black fish with white spots as a surprise gift for my community tank.
It was an Oscar !
Oh dear ahah! I bet that really did turn out to be a surprise :p
-Adding FREEZING cold water to a Betta tank (he's still alive!)
-Having only 1 Kuhli Loach to start with, and with gravel
-1 Cory Cat on gravel (everyone seems to make that mistake at first)
-4 goldfish in a 10 gallon
If I thought hard enough, I could easily come up with 5 more.....
I started out with just 2-3 tiger barbs (can't remember now) and almost got rid of them because they were so nippy. But they're so curious and active I couldn't do it, so instead I got several more, and voila! The nippiness settled down quite a bit. Then I brought the number up to 14 and they don't nip at all. Same with my longfin black skirt tetras. Once I upped their numbers they calmed down a lot.
Also, putting a few neon tetras in a brand new tank. Needless to say, they didn't last long. 
Common pleco, 5 neon tetras, 4 black widow tetras, 2 zebra loaches and 2 dwarf gouramis in a 54l tank (all added at once without cycling) without a heater.
thorsw, was this in summer? Winter temperatures of water coming into my house would probably kill outright.
The fish were added around September in 2010. Most of the fish died within a week, but the Common Pleco and Black Widow Tetras are with me to this day.
haha nice thread i have confessions to :), put a RTS in an uncycled 24L tank it didn't last long,
i then put 3 clown loach 2 torpedo barbs and 2 angel fish into the same 24L tank uncycled , only one to survive was one angel but he has not passed
kill 6 torpedo barbs due to knocking my heater to 30c
killed and angel fish gassing with co2 :(
thank thats it
I also tried to keep a Betta in an 8 litre vase (unfiltered but it did have a heater).
Once I realised this was cruel I moved him to a 26 litre filtered heated tank but he did not live for much longer.
My main tank is 200 litres. I also have a 26 litre and a 28 litre tank.

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