Okay, I'm Thinking I Need To Do This...


Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
Idaho, USA
:D this is Nair. He has a home.


You can see the start of the blue crimping in this picture. ^^

Lucy has a new home. :D

Thank you for all the comments. I think their homes are going to be what is best for them. Thank you. :nod:
Aw, such sweet bettas. I'm sorry they have to go, but it is very noble of you to do what is right for your fish despite how much you love them. If I had the space here I'd offer it, but I'm finding open slots for bettas needing re-homing are filling up practically the day one opens. Good luck placing them!
If Nair doesn't like being around other bettas, would it be possible just to put something (like a piece of paper) in between tanks so he can't see them?
If Nair doesn't like being around other bettas, would it be possible just to put something (like a piece of paper) in between tanks so he can't see them?
I have tried that and he doesn't seem to like it. I don't know what his problem is. I had him on the end of my betta line at one point where he had paper between him and the guy next to him. He was always sulking in his tank. And as soon as I moved him to the closet he started bubblenesting and swimming around all perky. But I really feel horrible with him in there. I think he deserves to get attention too, and I'm sorry but I don't go to my closet that often. He's the only thing in there.

I think he just wants a nice quite place by himself. :/

If anyone is interested, please let me know.
Lucy was adopted today. Thanks.

Nair is still avalible if anyone wants him. If not, I guess I'll have to get over my feelings about keeping him in the little closet. Cuz I'll keep him if no one wants him.
Perhaps he prefers it a bit darker. Can you fit a box (with one side cut out) over his place? Or maybe something to give him a little shade?
Perhaps he prefers it a bit darker. Can you fit a box (with one side cut out) over his place? Or maybe something to give him a little shade?
Well, I keep the door of the closet open, so the light gets in there. I really don't know what it is that he likes about it in there and not out with the rest of the clan. :/ He's a strange guy. :grr:

I'll probably just end up keeping him, since no one seems interested in him. Which is fine. I love the guy. I just feel bad having him in there. :/
I wouldn't feel bad at all about keeping him in the closet; if you think about it, it is probably more favorable for him. Closets tend to be dark and warm, two things bettas love, and if he doesn't like a ton of human and betta interaction, if gives him the solitude he needs. If he seems happy in there, try to push aside your reservations about it; our bettas usually know what is best for them. :good:
nair looks JUST like my cotton-headed ninnymuggins. they could be twins. hehe.
i wouldn't mind having him... i could find a place for him, i'm sure. anyhow, if you still feel like you need to find another home for him, i would be glad to take him for you.
:D :D really pleased you have re housed them....hugs and kisses...xxxx

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