Okay, I Need Some Help With This

Okay, male or female? I'm partial to a female betta because I only had one female betta out of all of my old fish and she lived the longest- AND she seemed to be cleaner imo. I had her 3 years ago, though.

I AM willing to clean the tank 50% every day- I really don't want to change it more because I'm afraid that too much new water would shock the fish and kill it. I have water from a well so it doesn't have any chlorine.
Claudette, my suggestion is that you free up one of the 10gal tanks and figure out something else for your gerbil(s) because they are kind of simpler to accommodate in terms of materials (for example, a gerbil container doesn't have to be waterproof). Your betta would love it in a 10gal, and frankly if you have to go without a filer, a 10 gal would make things much, much, much easier.
You don't actually need a glass tank you know. You can go to any hardware store or something similar, and pick up a clear plastic storage tub for a few dollars. One that's about 12 inches in length width and depth ( it can be a bit shallower if you like ) would give you roughly 4-5 gallons.

Like the ones shown on the rack HERE

Add your DIY filter like the one in the link, or a cheap commercial sponge filter, a small heater ( the suckers will keep it off the plastic and prevent damage or melting ) , substrate if you're using it, and any silk plants or rocks and caves you want. Just cut out some little spaces round the edge of the lid for any wires and pipes, and drill/cut a few holes in the top of the lid itself to allow oxygen in.

Very cheap and simple, less work ( in the form of 100% water changes on a bowl which can be very stressful ) and it will hold far more water. Your mother can't possibly complain at such a cheap and easy to set up tank. Ok it won't look amazingly fabulous, but neither does a bowl to be fair, and the tub is far more humane and roomy.
Well, I have the bowl right now, so what I'm going to do is slowly get everything I need for a bigger tank/ tub, and then move the fish in it and just use the bowl for like, pictures or something. If I buy ANOTHER tank (or what my mother sees as a tank) soon she'll be MAD! :rolleyes:

The plastic tub is a good idea- I would use it for my gerbils (or a cage) but they chew so much that they can't have any plastic cage or else it will be ripped to shreds, especially the one in the ten gallon. If I only have one tank for him it's very hard to clean his tank because he's really impatient. So, like I said, I'll get the tub one month and make a filter the next month, etc.
Claudette, my suggestion is that you free up one of the 10gal tanks and figure out something else for your gerbil(s) because they are kind of simpler to accommodate in terms of materials (for example, a gerbil container doesn't have to be waterproof). Your betta would love it in a 10gal, and frankly if you have to go without a filer, a 10 gal would make things much, much, much easier.

are you seriously suggesting taking gerbils out of thier home to make room for a tiny betta that can live in 1-2gal tank

betta are like £2.00 so who cares

Just that shows how right I am and how sad you are...

you are most adamantally not right in calling someone 'cruel' for considering doing something that millions already do with success
I don't know if I'd call killing a new betta every 3 months "successful".
We've had several threads in the more recent past where members have had trouble convincing a parent of various fishkeeping needs. What I recall is that one of the most successful techniques with parents is to have -more- interactions about the problem. Its different with every relationship of course, but often if you have a plan each time and are careful to be positive and smile a lot, you will eventually wear them down via lots of little interactions. Sometimes writing up some budget plans or outlining pros/cons on paper and presenting them will be impressive to the parent, who knows? But in general lots of small positive type interactions will begin to show the parent how important the thing is and perhaps being a good listener will help too. Sometimes a parent feels a need to be "heard" about some problem that seems not even directly related to the daughter/son, but is the key to gaining the parents positive attention.

ps. (great little paragraph up there oldman47 :) )
I got a heater AND thermometer. It's on 78 degrees now. I shall show you what I got through EVERY time I try to get something for the betta fish:

Me: "Okay, I'll get my wallet."
Mom: "Why?"
Me: "Oh, because I want to get a heater for the tank."
Mom: "I told you, Emilee, they don't need that!"
Me: "Yes they do-"
Mom: "But your other fish were happy!"
Me: "They only lived a year- healthy betta fish can live to be 5!"
Mom: "Whatever. It's your money I don't care what you do with it."

Then she pouts and totally ignores me. :angry: She tries to make me feel guilty about doing what's RIGHT!! :blink: I DO have 2 ten gallon tanks, but they're for my gerbil. (Obviously with no water in it.) But the equipment to get a ten gallon tank going isn't cheap- I think I'm better off just buying a kit.

And I know what I'm asking for Christmas this year- a 5 gallon tank kit. :shifty:

Oh, and my fish bowl isn't a round one- it's one of those drum ones where two sides are flat and two sides are rounded. :)

Ok Emilee...setting up a new 10 gallon with a filter/hood isn't going to cost that much more than a 2 or 5. Tank $10, Filter $20...you already have the heater and the thermometer. Hood, Bulbs, Substrate, tank deco not really necessary initially. That can wait a bit if it needs to, especially if you're really set on a beta. The nice thing about the 10 gallon is you're not limited to that beta fish...you can get a nice little community going in a 10 gallon. Test kit will be the same whatever size you decide on, about $30 for a RHI master liquid test kit...you don't really need that either if you're willing to do daily water changes regardless of if it needs it or not for a couple months PLUS most pet stores will test your water for you if you bring them a sample of it. Make sure you're treating your source water with a good water conditioner ($5-10)

So you could get started with a 10 gallon for about $40. Are you really going to be spending much less on a 5 gallon?
Take the fish back until you can provide the proper care for it.

I disagree. It won't be better off sitting in a 12oz cup of water at the store. Even if it were only to live a month...it would have a better quality of life during that time than it would have had in the store, and most stores the betta won't live that long anyway.
Well, here is my recent set up for my Betta.
I had him in a filtered & heated 2.5 gal for a few weeks while I waited for my 5 gal to cycle.
It's finally done!
It's heavily planted, and the filter is turned down low. Let me show you my initial costs:

5 gal tank kit: $33.99
Mini heater: $11.49
Decorations: $25

It was really inexpensive. Probably about $15 extra for food, conditioner, ect.

My Betta looks much happier swimming around in his new home.
Though I don't think he live sharing it with the Oto or the ADF.
Hah, I think I'm gonna have to give them away to a friend. =[

I'm also pretty sure that you can't cycle a filterless bowl.
A drum bowl, especially 1 gal, would be hard to equip with a filter and heater.
And yes, the water changes get really old two, three times a week.
I've been there.

I suggest going the way I went because it is so worth!
I love my 5 gal! It's really beautiful! I wish I had pictures...

I hope you do what's right!
Take the fish back until you can provide the proper care for it.

I disagree. It won't be better off sitting in a 12oz cup of water at the store. Even if it were only to live a month...it would have a better quality of life during that time than it would have had in the store, and most stores the betta won't live that long anyway.

Precisely , that's why I suggested the 4-5 gal plastic storage bin as a tank method. Perfect as a cheap temporary home until you have a nice tank that's cycled and decorated , and FAR better than a 1 gallon bowl.
Take the fish back until you can provide the proper care for it.

I don't even have the fish yet.

I looked at Wal-Mart and it was just... stupid. They had a 5 Gallon tank kit for about $29, and a 10 gallon tank kit (with the tank) for $35. Okay, for $6.00 more why not just get the 10 gallon?? :lol: So I know for sure if I'm allowed to get a tank kit I'm going to get the 10 gallon. :D


Okay, I'll get the betta fish, keep it in the bowl for about a week, then ask her if I can get the tank. I'll tell her that I can use it in a few years when this betta is gone and I want another fish. What's the difference- buying the tank now or in about 5 years? :yahoo:

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