Siamese Fighter05
Fish Herder
Hey fishkeeper2004
If you want your cories to spawn you would be better off using a 10-15g spawning tank. Here is how i got my cories to spawn for me successfully:
* Set up the breeding tank - Bare bottom with a few plastic/silk plant bunched together in one corner to give the parent a hiding space for security. I used a small corner filter that was already to mature to keep the water parametres tip-top and to give out a good current.
* Condition the group - I used frozen foods like Bloodworm, brineshrimp and live blackworm (the first and last time i'll ever be able to get hold of them). I conditioned them for something like 7-10 days to make sure the females where fat and in shape.
* Using the spawning Trigger - I did a 30-35% water change with water a few degrees cooler, i then left the heater off for a few days until i got home and found eggs. I did the water change at night and turned the filter outlet down so it was shooting water into the tank like rain.
*Egg - When and if you do get some eggs, you will need to get an airstone underneath them to keep lots of water circulation to stop them from fungusizing and spreading. I removed the parents, plants and filter as soon as i found the eggs. Do a water change to make sure you have the best water quality possible for the fry when they are born. Make sure the eggs stay under the surface. The eggs will hatch after about 3-4 days and the fry will absorb their yolk-sac for the 1st day. I fed mine liqufry on the second day for 3 days until they were big enough to take Frozen BBS. Microworm is meant to be a good food for fry but i haven't tried them yet. When you get fry you will need to do daily 10-15% water changes as there will be no filter until they are at least 3-4weeks old. Feed them insmall quantities but enough for everyone to get some and feed often, making sure you clean up any uneaten food. Most of this info has been passed down to me from her Majesty Inchworm
But i hope it can be some help to you and im sure everyone else will add to it 
If you want your cories to spawn you would be better off using a 10-15g spawning tank. Here is how i got my cories to spawn for me successfully:
* Set up the breeding tank - Bare bottom with a few plastic/silk plant bunched together in one corner to give the parent a hiding space for security. I used a small corner filter that was already to mature to keep the water parametres tip-top and to give out a good current.
* Condition the group - I used frozen foods like Bloodworm, brineshrimp and live blackworm (the first and last time i'll ever be able to get hold of them). I conditioned them for something like 7-10 days to make sure the females where fat and in shape.
* Using the spawning Trigger - I did a 30-35% water change with water a few degrees cooler, i then left the heater off for a few days until i got home and found eggs. I did the water change at night and turned the filter outlet down so it was shooting water into the tank like rain.
*Egg - When and if you do get some eggs, you will need to get an airstone underneath them to keep lots of water circulation to stop them from fungusizing and spreading. I removed the parents, plants and filter as soon as i found the eggs. Do a water change to make sure you have the best water quality possible for the fry when they are born. Make sure the eggs stay under the surface. The eggs will hatch after about 3-4 days and the fry will absorb their yolk-sac for the 1st day. I fed mine liqufry on the second day for 3 days until they were big enough to take Frozen BBS. Microworm is meant to be a good food for fry but i haven't tried them yet. When you get fry you will need to do daily 10-15% water changes as there will be no filter until they are at least 3-4weeks old. Feed them insmall quantities but enough for everyone to get some and feed often, making sure you clean up any uneaten food. Most of this info has been passed down to me from her Majesty Inchworm