Oil Catfish


Fish Addict
Oct 14, 2006
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
Hey everyone, my gf is interested in the oil catfish we had a look on the internet n cant realy find the info we r after. Does it like heated water? Wat kind of fish can it go in wit? How big does it grow? I assume it likes live food n algae pellets. Last question is it easy to get? Thanks in advance.


(Steindachner, 1882)
Family: Auchenipteridae Order: Siluriformes

Water Type:
Fresh 26-28ºC / pH < 7
Size: 6 cm
Do you know what? I was in my LFS today and they had two of these. I had only just heard of them the other day. I asked how much for them and he said "oh, I guess $3 would be good."

I didn't get them because I wasn't planning on it and don't have a tank ready. However, they do look like very interesting little guys.
oooo... i might have to go visit my LFS to see if they've got any. i keep waffling about whether i want some or not; i think i want 'em enough to buy them on impulse but not enough to special order any :D
My lady friend is interested in these also but we are concerned they may eat her other little fish such as her tiny pygmy corydoras and her bumble bee gobies.

Would this be a problem?

My lady friend is interested in these also but we are concerned they may eat her other little fish such as her tiny pygmy corydoras and her bumble bee gobies.

Would this be a problem?


I keep a pair with a bumblebee goby, no problem at all.
Very very nice fish, I have a male and female and I now have a breeding net full of babies!!! :hyper:

Dead easy to sex as well, the males have a structure similar to the gonopodium of male livebearers. Females are quite chunky (no offence!).

They have a very interesting feeding method, they zoom round the surface of the tank and pick off floating foods, and go mad for glassworms! Unlike most catfish their barbels actually point upwards!

Hopefully I'll get some pics of the babies, but they don't stay still for long enough! :lol:

Hope this helps a bit!

Ooooh how easy are they to breed?I always wanted to Lardass a mate but I cant find them anywhere.
They are not that difficult, the only snag is trying to find them - they seem to be few and far between (in the UK anyway!).

Males are really easy to tell, even from quite small, if yours is a lardass then I guess it's most probably a female! :lol:

The trick appears to be to do a water change with water cooler than normal, I think this triggered the spawning as two days later she was in her cave with eggs.

The 'caves' I used were bits of electrical conduit (the corrugated plastic pipe) cut to about 3 inches long. These fit the females perfectly.

Still no pics yet, but they're getting bigger!

I just gave mine to my girlfriend, they are great little fish only very shy and dont come out during the day unless you put bloodworm's in.

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