Oh No


Fish Herder
Nov 17, 2005
Reaction score
Finger Lakes, NY
Leo looked to be pretty much better from what I believe to be constipation, but he still looked kind of weird, and I didn't want to put him in the divided 10 just in case he had something the other two could catch. So I decided to put him in Tie's 2.5 gallon and move Tie into the 10. But the only space left was the one by the filter and the flow is really powerful because there's no adjustment. So I got a sponge yesterday and last night I boiled it just in case, and wrapped it around the intake to lessen the flow. I got it to just how I wanted it... but like 5 minutes later I noticed all three fish were acting really weird, either hanging at the top listlessly or listlessly resting on the bottom. The only thing it could have been was the little piece of sponge, so I removed it and them and did a 100% water change. When I went to bed last night they weren't any better, but praying so hard that they would make it. :(

This morning Tie is dead. I feel so sick. Last night when I was looking at him it totally looked like he was thinking, "Why did you do this to me mom?" He was so happy and I just took him out and put him in this poison water. :-( I'm so sorry my little boy. I didn't know. I love you and miss you. :( :( :(

The other two are alive, but barely. I'm not as attached to them as I was to my little Tie because I haven't had them for very long at all, but I still feel absolutely terrible. :-( I had no idea that a sponge would do that... I'm never going to put one in a tank ever again. I just wish it didn't cost me three lives to learn that. I'm so mad at myself. :X :(
Thanks you guys.

Joby: I have no idea what was on it. Whatever it was, it was really bad. :( I don't get it though, it just looked like a regular sponge. :/

BettaBum and Natsuko: *hugs*
o so sad it make you wonder what caused it, but dont beat yourself up learn by a mistake.....
A lot of sponges have a antibacterial right in them. I friend of mine had used sponges for years to clean the inside of her tanks and she grabed the wrong brand one day and lost everything in the tank in 24 hours.

I am sorry it happend. You had no idea and did what you thought you had to to make it safe. It is a learning experance now. Be good to your self. :/
Oh no! So sorry to hear that! Don't beat yourself up, you didn't know it would do that. You did what you thought would be best, which is all you can ever do really. *hugs*
Thanks everyone. Y'all are so sweet and I appreciate the kind words.

RIP Donatello. You were such a pretty boy. I'm sorry you didn't have much of a chance with me. :-(
Thats really sad. I managed to kill all the tropical fish in a tank upstairs a few weeks ago..I think some water from the central heating boiler behind them got into their tank...a few days after they were ill I noticed brown marks down the wall..I tried no end of things but lost 2 corys 2 algae eaters platies mollies and loads of babies. we had one molly left and after a week he was fine. the lfs tested the water and whatever was wrong was gone. so I decided to put my 4 coldwater in as I had moved the molly and turned heater off. left tank with filter on just going to put goldfish in and son spotted a baby..it had been in the cold water for about a week.
So dont belittle yourself we all make mistakes. years ago I bought a tank from refuse tip and it had a sponge filter in :no: say no more. I dont use sponge filters now.
I'm so sorry :( how sad for you... RIP Tie. I agree, house sponges are iffy, and atleast you learned something. We ALL make mistakes, I'm sure Tie was happy to live a great life with you.

I know how you feel, I just lost my most beloved Betta boy this morning, also because of my own mistake. He was very happy and lived a full life, though, so I can't dwell on it forever.
Thanks you guys. I appreciate it. I think the third one that was in the tank (I just got him 3 days ago and he's not named yet) is going to make it. He's got stress stripes but is swimming around and everything. So that makes me feel a *little* better.
I know how you feel, I just lost my most beloved Betta boy this morning, also because of my own mistake. He was very happy and lived a full life, though, so I can't dwell on it forever.
Awww... I'm sorry for your loss. :(

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