I just got my 20 gallon in today, for the GSP baby. Anyway, I think the kid was kind of retarded, it looks to me about 30 gallons, but I will measure later. Anyway, I've decided to give my two veiltails away, once they both are fully recovered. This way I will be able to have a 6 gallon for dwarf puffers.. I've managed to find a PetsMart near by that carries ottos and Dwarfs. Now, how many do you think I should get of each? I was thinking 2 Dwarfs and then about 3 ottos.. Is that overstocked?
edit* changed the gallon number of my smaller tank, I keep forgetting it's a six and not a five..
edit* changed the gallon number of my smaller tank, I keep forgetting it's a six and not a five..