# Of Sand...

It depends on how thick you want it. The rule of thumb is 1lb per gallon of tank... Even though you're obviously not filling up the whole tank...

I think I used about 40 in my cichlid 55 gallon tank though since their are a bunch of rocks.
Hmm, that means, I'd need 46 pounds, LOL.. they also say not to put over 2" thick... Is this true?
30-40 pounds should be enough. I used 50 for my 55 and it did a decent coverage. 2" or more is redundant unless you intend to have plants more than anything else. It's a waste of money and space IMO.
well I"m going to get moon sand. it's around 20 us dollars around here for about a 30 pound bag....
That should be pretty good! Not a bad price at all! I think my LFS has it for $.75 a lb or something like that so thats a pretty good deal!

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