Fish Aficionado
come on then fella lets see those puffers
come on then fella lets see those puffers
while i have your attention what would be your recomended tank size for a adult mbu?i know you know your puffers
Why is there a risk if you are replicating the fish's natural habitat? A bigger problem for this fish is people buying them and starving them to death by offering only flakes and pellets. As far as I am aware (though fishbase has no information to support this) the BBG are actually found and collected in FW, not BW. It is purely because they are gobies that they can survive in BW.i cant really see very clearly atm, but BBGs generally only accept live food, some take frozen (personally mine dont).
I think basically the conclusion to the BW or FW debate is that they do just as well in one than the other, but everyone has their own views. Personally i would rather keep mine in brackish because at the end of the day the question on everyones minds is "can BBGs be kept in FW?" not "can BBGs be kept in BW?" and imo, BBGs will probably thrive in an s/g of 1.003-1.005 but if you put them in FW then you cant really be sure, peopl have their own opinions, but why risk it.
Why is there a risk if you are replicating the fish's natural habitat?
fantastic puffers fella especially like that fahaka.
Why is there a risk if you are replicating the fish's natural habitat?
ok so maybe the word "risk" that i used was a bit extreme, personally i think as a general rule of thumb it is better to advise people to keep BBGs in brackish water, instead of going into the whole complicated debate. Many experts do keep theirs in FW, however experts also suggest to newcomers to keep bumblebee gobies in brackish water, neale monks has said how he hasn't had good outcomes to keeping BBGs in freshwater as they are very prone to disease in FW and often die of it, and low end brackish water often prevents this.
edit: great fish as always andy
Well, I'd be realistic. There are 100s of these fish offered in stores, and lets face it, most of them will go in 20g longs, probably contract whitespot and die (that's life).
the thing is all the money i have to spend on the hobby has to go towards setting up the monster tank but i do like the idea a lotcane. Although it'll cost a bit, go and get yourself some new lighting. You can find one's specifically made to fit your hood.
That's what I just did for my 38
best of the ABF
the porthole catfish (doesn't look much like a cat to me)
All right... I'm gonna do my best to convince you to do planted eel tank.
I wish my water onion would look like this again... oooh. nice eel too.
my computer background (full size of course)
Sigh... and the anorexic one who ironically died gorging himself on live brine
you should do it! DOOOO ITTTT!!!1111oneoneone unshift! unshift!