OP OP M MadMan-JaMeS Fishaholic Joined Feb 28, 2007 Messages 528 Reaction score 2 Location Yarnton, Oxford Aug 20, 2007 #16 mark7616 said: Come back from holiday and loose the community fish and get some big fish. Click to expand... thats my plan but hopefully i can find somewhere for my 3ft tank to be setuo and still keep the smaller fish but don't tell my mum or gf
mark7616 said: Come back from holiday and loose the community fish and get some big fish. Click to expand... thats my plan but hopefully i can find somewhere for my 3ft tank to be setuo and still keep the smaller fish but don't tell my mum or gf
C cane76 Fish Aficionado Joined Nov 4, 2005 Messages 3,726 Reaction score 5 Location middx heathrow Aug 20, 2007 #17 congrats on the new tank a 5x2x2 is a nice size for a lot of oddballs
Straydum Marine Fever Joined Mar 11, 2007 Messages 1,774 Reaction score 0 Location Singapore Aug 21, 2007 #18 well you could always return your smaller fishes to the store to trade for some bigger ones or get store credit. if you're really attached to them then by all means keep them in another tank so they wont get devoured. its your fish. your tank.
well you could always return your smaller fishes to the store to trade for some bigger ones or get store credit. if you're really attached to them then by all means keep them in another tank so they wont get devoured. its your fish. your tank.
OP OP M MadMan-JaMeS Fishaholic Joined Feb 28, 2007 Messages 528 Reaction score 2 Location Yarnton, Oxford Aug 23, 2007 #19 just spoke to my better LFS and they currently have some senegal bichirs and ornate, so on saturday i shall get up and remove my little fish then go to the lfs and get one of each along with a fire eel can't wait. gonna be hard catching the little ones tho
just spoke to my better LFS and they currently have some senegal bichirs and ornate, so on saturday i shall get up and remove my little fish then go to the lfs and get one of each along with a fire eel can't wait. gonna be hard catching the little ones tho
Straydum Marine Fever Joined Mar 11, 2007 Messages 1,774 Reaction score 0 Location Singapore Aug 24, 2007 #20 thats good. do update us with pictures!
mlawson Excessum ut clementia Joined Dec 14, 2006 Messages 1,334 Reaction score 1 Location UK Aug 26, 2007 #21 Looking forward to pics...
OP OP M MadMan-JaMeS Fishaholic Joined Feb 28, 2007 Messages 528 Reaction score 2 Location Yarnton, Oxford Aug 26, 2007 #22 i would like to get about 8 redline torpedo barbs, they would look nice. would they be okay with a few oddballs i can't seem to find a profile on here!
i would like to get about 8 redline torpedo barbs, they would look nice. would they be okay with a few oddballs i can't seem to find a profile on here!