Oddball Pics X)

The photo with the p bass and tiger lip locking was taken a few days after we moved house and all the large fish had to go into one tank as we had cracked the base of my 200g and the patch job was still curing. They were hassling each other for dominance over the tank for about 15 minutes until the jardini dive bombed them both to show them who really was boss and they hid behind a piece of bogwood together :lol:
:p I've gotten shots of my arowana :shifty: just not up to the challenge cane?? :p feed them then get shots of them eating ^^ I wanna see that big ol' clownknife of yours just inhale a feeder of some sort :lol:
action shots of the aro come out blurry for me :unsure:


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I'm told that to get good arowana pics you need a decent camera which has a sports mode, a stand and a lot of patience, i've never been able to get any decent pictures of my arowana's, mainly because my camera is a very basic point and shoot type thing that they give away free with PC's.
Nah, why spend money that can be speant on fish and tanks on a camera, blurry pictures are ok, i know what the fish look like really.
:lol: Ya I was using my dad's camera and it's a nycon of some sort... very high resolution ^^ Nt with the arowana though :lol: Still looks cool :D and CFC GEOURGEOUS AROWANA SHOTS :D
heres a few ray shots
i took the last of the crappy argos sand out yesterday and added this fine gravel,notice how much better the rays look.
no more clogged filters and dirty looking rays :D


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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!! ^^ Cane man holy! ray looks even sexier now :D
More of Morticia and her friend lugosi, they are always togther, I particulary like it when they share a bit of prawn, it's even funnier whne Morticia had it in her mouth and Lugosi nibbles away at it. Lugosi also follows gomez around sometimes when he has a bit of prawn and tries to nibble it, such a charachter!






My 5 inch ornate bichir :D

another shot

It currently lives in a 254 litre/ 67 gal tank, along with 2 angel fish, one mistus, one swamp eel and 2 clown loaches.

The swamp eel was caught in a local river. It's actually not an aquarium fish; more like of a consumption fish. But then
it has such a great personality (he lets me hand feed and touch him), I decided to keep it. It's about 15 inch now, compared
to about 10ish inch when first caught a couple of months ago. I've read that swamp eels can reach up to a metre. I guess I'll
release it back to the wild when it hits that size.

Here he is:
very nice fish guys :good:


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