Odd Swordtail Behavior

How should I ensure that my other fish get the majority of the meal, then? If the mollies are hungry then they will surely devour anything I drop in, right?
Swords are pretty gluttonous themselves.   
Feeding a variety of different types of fish can sometimes be a challenge.  You find a way.   When it comes to it, you'll find a way.  For now, the mollies and swords will be fine together.
Alright, thank you for all your help! I'll see if I can bring in some male mollies soon (also, are they good jumpers? it would suck if they jumped into the net). I am probably going to have to come back tomorrow (sorry!), as I am juggling an Honors Chem and AP Euro test on the same day... o_O
I'd suggest that the introduction of the mollies would make the net rather silly. The mollies are being added to eat fry, the net is there to save fry.... Seems counter productive.
I have my nets either directly in front of the filter outlet or under it.....works brilliantly
The OP may want to save a few fry but not all, net doesnt seem silly to me......but personally i wouldnt add a molly, i would just cull the fry i didnt want myself.
By the way the 1st vid that showed the sick fish, that looked like a 'shimmies' to me, always fatal. They stop eating, waste away and swim with the shimmy motion
1) Yes, I want to save some of the fry (males of course) while culling off any other males and females (I think I'll keep around 3)... are you sure they won't tear each other apart?

2) Can you describe this "shimmies" thing? I have never heard of it before and the "Baby Betta Dying" thread seems to have a similar issue.

3) What is the best way to euthanize the fish I don't want once I can identify their gender (still too young to see gonopodium)? Are there ANY other choices I have if I don't want an overpopulated species tank?

Also it's probably worth mentioning that I am the Fish Whisperer. Well everyone probably is, but my point is that I could guide the mollies or swordtails to the fry where they will be promptly eaten.


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