I'll join the lineup of people asking what the fish you have that cause the water issues are.
As well, what do you have now. Your region of the US seems to have fairly hard water to begin with.
yall im so sorry for taking eternity im a night shifter with adhd. okay so yall be asking some heckin lotta questions so i had to dig out ole bessy(laptop) because the phone aint doin it, but imma try to answer them. DEEP BREATH
i have common mollies from what google says
i have them because my roommate just wasnt taking care of them and im a pet person.
i started with one molly and a vacuum cleaner apparently its a placo???
since then i got some more mollies because google said they like to have homies to swim with so homies is what i got. i got some of the test strippy things for ph,nitrate,nitrite, Gh, Kh, and ammonia. i got different food and immediately the one original fishy just belly upped on me. so pet stores are not to be trusted. i keep the food she had them on which is tetramin tropical flakes and the vaccume cleaner didnt have food so i got these little disk things for it and a moss ball but it dont like the moss ball.
so now that we are caught up mostly i can try to get to the answers of all them questions.
*i got mollies like i said
*i did some strips just now after a like 80% water change
*the ammonia is good and the nitrate and nitrites are in the lowest little square on the strip
*my water is stupid soft (Gh apparently) right out the tap so its on the second square 25ppm
*the Kh? is high it says so its on the highest square 300ppm
*and my Ph is 8.4+ so alkaline like all the way to the last square.
*water temp from temp gun is 77F
NONE OF THIS CRAP IS RIGHT APPARENTLY except the ammonia and nitrat nitrite and water temp.
i went and threw this coral rocky thing in there and it has been weeks and it did make it go up a square on the Gh so it was the softest ever water now its just really soft so not much better.
i got fluval sea magnesium and fluval sea calcium but im affraid imma jack everything up worse than this crap salad of a show already is. so i hope this helps because that all she wrote folks