Obsession Or Not

I'm actually surprised by the number of posters that didn't start with tiny tanks!
had a 10 gallon, fishless cycled, once stocked it lasted about 6 weeks

upgraded to a 29 gallon, lasted about 7 months

then got a 90 gallon, has been set up since december 2011, cant have anything bigger not got any more space :rolleyes:

About 2 months ago I set the 29gal back up which now houses a breeding pair of brevis shelldwellers and a bunch of fry :good:

when/if I move house I want an 8x2x2 240 gallon for frontosa or featherfin cichlids

The beauty of it is that once you've done one fishless cycle its easy to clone a filter so it becomes very quick and easy to upgrade or start up new tanks . . . :D
Everyone's obsessed!!!! lol

I (personally) started with a 5 gallon when I was 12 because the family 33 gallon sprang a leak and I wanted to save my betta buddy. This escalated to a 160 litre (35 gallon) 4 years ago. Then a 10 gallon. Then another 10 gallon. Then a Rio 180 about a month ago. I've never got rid of any of my tanks / traded them up so I just keep on adding.

I'm hoping to upgrade the 160 litre to a Rio 240 at Christmas and I still want more tanks.

Unfortunately my parents have now drawn the line as they think the floor of my room is going to give :lol: Still, I do like to fall asleep surrounded by fishies.

It's a very addictive hobby. But in a good way.
I started with a 60litre tropical community tank 17yrs ago, switched it to cold water a year later then sold it on.
Went back to tropical with a 72lire wich I kept for years then had to downsize to a fluval edge thru moving to a flat.
As soon as I moved back home I got a Roma 125 wich lasted around 4 months and I upgraded to the Roma 200.
I only have the 200 and a small hospital tank.
I would probably have another tank but I maintain a friends 64 litre and her mums 280 litre for them so it's more than enough water changes a week for me!
I may get a nano going again at Christmas :/
Amazing reading all this, and most are so funny,I am slowly getting.........obsessed...help!! :crazy:
Resistance is not an option ..... The calling of the fish WILL get louder the more you try to resist!!! . Your only optoon is go with it until you cant afford anymore tanks or you cant afford a bigger house to put them all in!!! Lol.
Great thread mind!!
Resistance is not an option ..... The calling of the fish WILL get louder the more you try to resist!!! . Your only optoon is go with it until you cant afford anymore tanks or you cant afford a bigger house to put them all in!!! Lol.
Great thread mind!!
Thanks Dazzler, I said to the wife last night,I am thinking of getting a bigger tank,she said, "over my dead body" had to phone for an ambulance.......... :/ :D
I started by taking over my late father-in-laws tank over, 40 liter's, started breading increased to seven tanks.
Got rid of those...

Now have a 750 liter built into lounge fire place, a fluval edge shrimp tank and my daughter has a 130 liter in her bedroom.
started with a 32 litre tank, nice little set up, 3 weeks later, overstocked it so brought a second hand juwel rio 180, still have that but want a 5x2x2 either that or sell the old 3 foot and pack in fish keeping ! cant decide which right now due to problems im having
Thanks Dazzler, I said to the wife last night,I am thinking of getting a bigger tank,she said, "over my dead body" had to phone for an ambulance.......... :/ :D

Haha! Brilliant!

What's even better is that last night I (jokingly) said to my husband that I was shopping for a bigger tank and he didn't even bat an eyelid! So I pushed a little harder...as ya do, and said "Yes, we can wall over that door there and could fit a 6 footer" his response was "sure but the room would seem a little crowded, the dining room would be better"

More or less exactly a year ago I started with a tiny 25l tank for my son. I now have eight tanks ranging from 25l to 260l. Obsessed much? Yes, indeed :lol:
I started about two years ago when my neighbor asked if I wanted her tank. It was a tiny 5g, plastic no less, that housed 3 male guppies, a Chinese algae eater and a goldfish, all with neon pink, blue, green and purple gravel.
I immediately rehomed the goldfish, and got myself a few female guppies. Can anyone guess where that lead?? It gets better. A friend of mine works at the local landfill (garbage dump) and started offering me all these free tanks. So I set up a 10g and moved the guppies over. Added a couple of hermit crabs and they all got along well. Then I got a 29g ... free ... and moved the scores of guppies there. Then got a 20g .... yep, free ... and moved all the female guppies and fry to it and kept the males in the 10g. Hoo boy ... an ad on Freecycle for a 55g with all the equipment! Oh, no!!!! So that was set up as a community tank and also the start of my cory obsession. I also had some dwarf gouramis that I dearly loved but lost all to dwarf gourami disease. Got myself a common pleco before I knew any better.

Next ... another free 55g. So my husband picked up the slack and took the original 55g and I moved all my fish to the new 55g. Hubby got himself a pair of firemouths and a pair of Jack Dempseys and other bottom dwellers. That didn't satisfy him for long, so he got himself a 75g where he's now raising discus and others.

At one point I had a 55g, a 29g, 20g, 15g, 10g and a 5g all set up and running. What am I, nuts?? I'm down to what you see in my sig, but the next adventure will be to get a 30g long tank for cory and some type of middle dweller. It's an illness. Terminal.

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