o yer


Fish Fanatic
Jul 26, 2004
Reaction score
nr oxford uk
well i have more guppy fry but i dont have any males in the tank so how did they get there o well yay more fry fo me :)
I've just done some more research...it appears that the observation that swordtails can change sex may have been due to mistakenly attributing female gender to late-developing males (this is another scenario which would explain guppy's fry :)).

I will take a look at a livebearer book at my next opportunity to try and sort out what the truth is.

EDIT: Thanks to CTS for making me question something I had believed was the truth. :)
OR its because the female guppies can get pregnent several times, as she can store the sperm.
Yeah female guppys can store sperm in them; trust me i know, i had 2 females once that lived in a single tank with no other males for 5months and they still produced over a hundred fry...
Tokis-Phoenix said:
Yeah female guppys can store sperm in them; trust me i know, i had 2 females once that lived in a single tank with no other males for 5months and they still produced over a hundred fry...
Yep, that's the one. I bought 6 female Plattys as my first fish. Added some cories after a while then got Platty fry!

Somehow I dont think the cories were responsible :no:
Livebearer females will frequently carry as many as 6 sperm packets (maybe more in other species, as this is what seems to be the generally agreed upon amount for Guppies) in reserve. This can last 6 months-1 year, steadily producing offspring, without any further presence of a male. The female simply stores the packets until she has need of them.

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