Nutrafin Cycle...


It really has no effect what so ever within a tank.

I havnt just looked on this site, ive also read indipendent reviews which back it up, ive also read customer reviews, how long ago did you use it because it as been reformulated.
by the way when i had my 1st tank many moons ago i also didnt no about cycleing, but all my fish turned out fine. im looking into it more this time.
shops would stop selling it if customers kept comming back complaining it killed there fish.
Uh, actually....? No, they WOULDN'T; they would just keep selling it, regardless of what other people have said, and just wait for some *MORE* poor newbies to fall prey to that stupid bottle of that stupid thing. :(

I actually bought it just around the middle of August. I think it may have contributed to the death of Royal, the female Betta fish who died of ammonia poisoning. :-( :sad:
I havnt just looked on this site, ive also read indipendent reviews which back it up, ive also read customer reviews, how long ago did you use it because it as been reformulated.
by the way when i had my 1st tank many moons ago i also didnt no about cycleing, but all my fish turned out fine. im looking into it more this time.
shops would stop selling it if customers kept comming back complaining it killed there fish.

Do you work for this company?

you can read as many reviews as you like, most are probably implemented by the company itself anyways, you have been given replies by at least 4-5 people that have said it has no positive effects but yet your still claiming that it does.

I am curious to know, why if you wasnt going to believe or listen to anybosies advice, ask the question in the first place?

companies sell it becasue thats what they are there to do (make money) if the general newbie (not to label anyboy) went and brought a tank and used it, they wouldnt know either way if it worked or works, they have been told to use the prodct wait 3-7 days then add fish. Then thats pretty much it, if the fish die the nebie considers it as the norm, they take fish back and it gets replaced they think everythinks ok, the more experienced member/fishkeeper would know not to even listen to most advice given from the lfs hence why we say dont use the prodect that has been tested to not work very well at all.

If basically you think it works, then fair enough go ahead and use it, Add fish and then test the water a week after, i promise you the results will be far from perfect. You will cause long term damage to your fish, shortening there lives considerably and even probably kill them, if you feel that it's worth the risk then carry on, i personally dont and wouldnt risk fish even if there was only the slightest chance they could be at risk.
I havnt just looked on this site, ive also read indipendent reviews which back it up, ive also read customer reviews, how long ago did you use it because it as been reformulated.
by the way when i had my 1st tank many moons ago i also didnt no about cycleing, but all my fish turned out fine. im looking into it more this time.
shops would stop selling it if customers kept comming back complaining it killed there fish.

Do you work for this company?

you can read as many reviews as you like, most are probably implemented by the company itself anyways, you have been given replies by at least 4-5 people that have said it has no positive effects but yet your still claiming that it does.

I am curious to know, why if you wasnt going to believe or listen to anybosies advice, ask the question in the first place?

companies sell it becasue thats what they are there to do (make money) if the general newbie (not to label anyboy) went and brought a tank and used it, they wouldnt know either way if it worked or works, they have been told to use the prodct wait 3-7 days then add fish. Then thats pretty much it, if the fish die the nebie considers it as the norm, they take fish back and it gets replaced they think everythinks ok, the more experienced member/fishkeeper would know not to even listen to most advice given from the lfs hence why we say dont use the prodect that has been tested to not work very well at all.

If basically you think it works, then fair enough go ahead and use it, Add fish and then test the water a week after, i promise you the results will be far from perfect. You will cause long term damage to your fish, shortening there lives considerably and even probably kill them, if you feel that it's worth the risk then carry on, i personally dont and wouldnt risk fish even if there was only the slightest chance they could be at risk.

Ahhh!!!! :hyper: Now, yeah; THAT'S what I was basically going to SAY. :lol: Most good reviews are by people who are working in the company itself; they are *trying* to get more people to buy the stuff and heck, neither the fish store NOR the companies care if your fish die simply because you just *USED* the stuff; they are just in it to make money (well, most ANYWAYS; my LFS is pretty good even though they still sell the stuff.... Oh, no, wait; THEY don't sell it; PJ's Pets does :sad: ), so they won't care EITHER. WAY. :(

And, I agree with you about the "*general newbie*" thing, FishyJake13. ;)
I havnt just looked on this site, ive also read indipendent reviews which back it up, ive also read customer reviews, how long ago did you use it because it as been reformulated.
by the way when i had my 1st tank many moons ago i also didnt no about cycleing, but all my fish turned out fine. im looking into it more this time.
shops would stop selling it if customers kept comming back complaining it killed there fish.

Do you work for this company?

you can read as many reviews as you like, most are probably implemented by the company itself anyways, you have been given replies by at least 4-5 people that have said it has no positive effects but yet your still claiming that it does.

I am curious to know, why if you wasnt going to believe or listen to anybosies advice, ask the question in the first place?

companies sell it becasue thats what they are there to do (make money) if the general newbie (not to label anyboy) went and brought a tank and used it, they wouldnt know either way if it worked or works, they have been told to use the prodct wait 3-7 days then add fish. Then thats pretty much it, if the fish die the nebie considers it as the norm, they take fish back and it gets replaced they think everythinks ok, the more experienced member/fishkeeper would know not to even listen to most advice given from the lfs hence why we say dont use the prodect that has been tested to not work very well at all.

If basically you think it works, then fair enough go ahead and use it, Add fish and then test the water a week after, i promise you the results will be far from perfect. You will cause long term damage to your fish, shortening there lives considerably and even probably kill them, if you feel that it's worth the risk then carry on, i personally dont and wouldnt risk fish even if there was only the slightest chance they could be at risk.

Dont mean to be rude based on everything i have read on your post its advising you that the product you have been supplied with wont work
if this is not the feed back you were not looking for i suggest you try things your own way and if it does not work you will have no one else to blame
however if it does and god willing it will just for the fishess sake then you will have an argument based on personal experiance .
yeah right, i work for the company, whatever.
i cant be bothered to argue back, it dose nothing for me.
i look forward to hearing how ceecrb1 gets on.
night night im off to bed got to get up early n go work for the company lol
yeah right, i work for the company, whatever.
i cant be bothered to argue back, it dose nothing for me.
i look forward to hearing how ceecrb1 gets on.
night night im off to bed got to get up early n go work for the company lol

Your now just been flippant, no one is actually arguing with you we are mearly answering your initial question, if you dont want to take our advice then by all means dont but please dont be rude for no reason.

If you want to base all your thoughts on one member that 'thinks' it could be helping then so be it, still wont chnage the facts that the product will probably not work well or even at all.

Anyways good luck, hope it does work for you and hope your fish are kept in the best conditions possible :)
Nice attitude, keep it up!

yeah right, i work for the company, whatever.
i cant be bothered to argue back, it dose nothing for me.
i look forward to hearing how ceecrb1 gets on.
night night im off to bed got to get up early n go work for the company lol
day 4:
amonia 2ppm
Nitrite 0.5ppm

<sarcasm>Wow what an amazing 3 day cyclce..</sarcasm>

So can we stop arguing and just aknownlege that it doesnt do what it says on the bottle and understand that nutrafin/all lfs/etcetc are 1st a business and 2nd a "best advice giver".

It does little good and no harm except lighten your bank account... Maybe it will take a day or so off a cycle time at the start if it has a little amonia in it.. but I cant tell...

day 4:
amonia 2ppm
Nitrite 0.5ppm

<sarcasm>Wow what an amazing 3 day cyclce..</sarcasm>

So can we stop arguing and just aknownlege that it doesnt do what it says on the bottle and understand that nutrafin/all lfs/etcetc are 1st a business and 2nd a "best advice giver".

It does little good and no harm except lighten your bank account... Maybe it will take a day or so off a cycle time at the start if it has a little amonia in it.. but I cant tell...


Says it all! Look mate, no life form can survive in a capped bottle, no oxygen supply and with temperatures the same as any hot factory they slam it into, i have heard the bacteria in the bottle is not even the correct type to process ammonia-nitrite-nitrat
You need ammonia(in bottle or fish form) to start a cycle, this will get broken down into Nitrite and then into nitrate, the first being the most toxic and the latter the least.

good luck
day 4:
amonia 2ppm
Nitrite 0.5ppm

<sarcasm>Wow what an amazing 3 day cyclce..</sarcasm>

So can we stop arguing and just aknownlege that it doesnt do what it says on the bottle and understand that nutrafin/all lfs/etcetc are 1st a business and 2nd a "best advice giver".

It does little good and no harm except lighten your bank account... Maybe it will take a day or so off a cycle time at the start if it has a little amonia in it.. but I cant tell...


Says it all! Look mate, no life form can survive in a capped bottle, no oxygen supply and with temperatures the same as any hot factory they slam it into, i have heard the bacteria in the bottle is not even the correct type to process ammonia-nitrite-nitrat
You need ammonia(in bottle or fish form) to start a cycle, this will get broken down into Nitrite and then into nitrate, the first being the most toxic and the latter the least.

good luck

I KNOW THIS, you're preaching to the converted.... I'm doing this, more along side the cycle I already have to do... really just because there are so many arguments in forums like this, that instead of throwing my opinions around I'd give it a real look and find out!

However I have just noticed a little * on the bottle with the note "see underside for more information" (of the lable)
I pealed it off and the FIRST thing I noticed was another * with the note "Nutrafin cycle will allow immediate introduction of fish when when all necessary conditions have been provided, including correct temperature, recommended stocking levels, proper filtration and the application of Nutrafin Aqua Plus."

Ie "add it and you gotta keep testing..." its a legal #16#####-cover.
Day 5..

Amonia 2ppm
Nitrite 1 ppm

Maybe the 3 day fish ready means 3 WORKING days? It is the weekend afterall??? hahhahaha
Day 5..

Amonia 2ppm
Nitrite 1 ppm

Maybe the 3 day fish ready means 3 WORKING days? It is the weekend afterall??? hahhahaha
Sorry, but your tank is not going to cycle in 3 days!

That product is not going to work like it says it will on the bottle! It will take a lot longer than 3 day! More like a couple to 6 weeks for it to cycle.

Sorry, but your tank is not going to cycle in 3 days!

That product is not going to work like it says it will on the bottle! It will take a lot longer than 3 day! More like a couple to 6 weeks for it to cycle.



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