Nutrafin Cycle...


Come on now! There is absolutely no need to respond in this manner! If you think it is so clear, in your own eyes, it may not be clear to other people. You might want to restate your post and let everyone know that you really are trying to disprove this product, but in a tone that will be recognizable to all audiences!

You can't just drop clues here and there, and expect people to fit the pieces together and understand what you find so obvious.

Did you really buy this product to test it, or did you buy it, thinking it would speed up the cycling process?

money money money!!! thats what your tipping in your tank but not seeing a return,but making the makers of 'cycle' products very wealthy,so what happens people go and buy another bottle of cycle for £10 just hoping that it will work just to prove everyone is wrong. :rolleyes:

It has been tried and tested so many times yet some poor fish dies with the consequences of ammonia/nitrite poisoning just because people believe it does what it says on the bottle is gospel!!

The only product that I know of that works, not only from what other people on this forum have said but from my own personally experience, is bio-spira. Bio-spira actually contained the bacteria that we find so evidently today in our cycled filters. This product was kept refrigerated at LFS, which ensured a slow metabolism, because of the colder temperatures, the bacteria could sustain a life expectancy of about one year within the package. When I started out in the great hobby of fish keeping, I dd not know anything about cycling a tank until I found this forum, in which time I was in a fish-in cycle. I had been in the cycle for a couple of weeks, yet to see a decrease in ammonia. I was later told about bio-spira and went out and bought it. About a week later from when I added it to my filter (not the water) I saw a 0 ppm of ammonia and nitrite, with nitrate slowly rising! I was cycled! Unfortunately this product was taken out of production a couple years back. Since then, I have never heard of or seen another product like bio-spira.

The competitive companies who make products that actually *don't* work probably sued Bio-Spira because it meant that all people would buy would be one bottle of Bio-Spira and then the other companies would not make money deceiving people who own fish. :devil:
The competitive companies who make products that actually *don't* work probably sued Bio-Spira because it meant that all people would buy would be one bottle of Bio-Spira and then the other companies would not make money deceiving people who own fish. :devil:

No, I believe they sold out, or got bought out. Not sure?

The competitive companies who make products that actually *don't* work probably sued Bio-Spira because it meant that all people would buy would be one bottle of Bio-Spira and then the other companies would not make money deceiving people who own fish. :devil:

No, I believe they sold out, or got bought out. Not sure?


Aww, but my theory is that much more EVIL. :lol:
For whatever reason they stopped making the stuff. It may have even been lawsuits over the times when it did not work. Who knows except the former manufacturer. There is a similar product in the UK that I thought was still being made called Bactinettes. Again the results are spotty with it but that beats total failure in all cases like we see with so many other products.
An up date on my nutrafin cycle.

saterday i added 2 red honey gouram and 5 tetras.
tested today, day 6.

hp 8.5 think its bit too high!
ammonia 0
nitrite 0.3
nitrate 10

fish look fine :good:

Most reactions
