Nutrafin Co2 System


Fish Fanatic
Apr 11, 2008
Reaction score
Wisconsin, United States
Hello everyone,

I am working on setting up a planted 55 gallon tank and I just ordered two nutrafin CO2 systems to use with it. I just wanted to know if it was recommended to use the T connector as mentioned in the sticky thread. If i do this do I only attach one ladder to the third component of the t connector? If so where do I find one of these? Also, if I want to use one a check valve as suggested to it's only a one way flow, how do I use it and where do I get one? Thanks for any help!
Not sure this is what you're looking for, but here's what i would do. If you only want to use one bubble ladder i would connect both nutrafin systems to an overflow bottle and then run one line out of the overflow bottle to the bubble ladder. This way you are sure not to get any sugar/yeast in your tank and you can run just one CO2 line into your tank.
Hey Tsi_User,

Thanks for the reply. I had read about this idea on the sticky thread, and it does seem like a better idea than using a t-connector, especially for the overflow reason. I have two questions about using this method. The first question I have is how do I make sure that the tubing is air tight in the bottle? The other question I had was again reguarding the check valve. If I used this method would i have to worry about CO2 trying to head back up the tube it came out of? Thanks again for the reply.
Sorry I cant answer your questions about the T connector, but I used plastic vacuum-junction lines from an automotive store along with silicone to seal my overflow bottle. The junction lines are plastic straight tubes, and I cut a hole in the 20oz bottle just so it could fit in. You then take the silicone and put a fairly large bead around the whole line and push it through again so the silicone is on the outside of the bottle at the intersection. If you do this three times you'll have two for your CO2 system and the 3rd for your bubble ladder connection.
I've used a T-connector in the past and have never had an overflow problem. Could be that I don't fill the solution up as high as others, or factors with the water chemistry in my area.

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