Nutrafin Co2 Basic User Guide

I finally have got this sorted after many attempts. the mix always seem to travel up the airline and into the tank.

So i cut a circular piece of felt (a Biorb cleaning pad made my Reef One) and placed it inside the cap of the canister. This stops the frothy mix leaving the can.

I also installed a twin valve in the airline so i can vent the co2 at night.

Now this works a treat!

nice idea i thought about putting something in the line to stop the mix but i have now ordered a jbl bubble counter at £5 each, bit expensive but ill have no worries.
I instaled my CO2 unit a couple of days and was only getting one bubble every minute or so !
This was due to the fact that it's winter and I only have my heating on from 5 'til 11:30 pm which was too cold for the process to work.
Scratched my head for a while and came up with a cunning plan:-

Place the cannister on top of your lighting starter kit which is warm, but only when the light is on !! And when the light is off the unit almost stops working which is great as at night plants don't use up CO2 but the O2 they have produced in the day !!

Yes. My brain is finally getting into the 'fishy' way of thinking.

Hope that this helps. Felt my starter today when I got home from work and it was no warmer than usual and my CO2 unit was producing 1 bubble every 8 or nine seconds which is fine, I think, for my well planted 60 ltr tank with 36W of light.

Bye for now. I'm off to test my water...........going to get my first fish in the morning !


Place the cannister on top of your lighting starter kit which is warm, but only when the light is on !! And when the light is off the unit almost stops working which is great as at night plants don't use up CO2 but the O2 they have produced in the day !!

I do the same thing, place the canister atop my lights to give it some warmth.
Ok because I might try to get one of these for my 29 gallon so I should be ok, thanks. Might add two later since it seems recommended.

Two units are great. You can connect them to a single bubble counter/ladder via a T-connector. It creates an extremely stable CO2 level, since the mixes are then alternately changed. I'd opt for the 1/2 tsp of yeast as George previously suggested. This CO2 setup has worked extremely well for my 20g and 36g tanks.

llj :)

Could I use one nutrafin and one DIY canister this way, hook them up to a gang valve then to a whatever their called can' remember at the moment that doesn't let the mixture into the tank then to the ladder?

O would this help at all with only .66wpg or would it be worthless?

One other questions, where do you buy the KH and other test kits and how do you do a bubble counter, just count them?

I instaled my CO2 unit a couple of days and was only getting one bubble every minute or so !
This was due to the fact that it's winter and I only have my heating on from 5 'til 11:30 pm which was too cold for the process to work.
Scratched my head for a while and came up with a cunning plan:-

Place the cannister on top of your lighting starter kit which is warm, but only when the light is on !! And when the light is off the unit almost stops working which is great as at night plants don't use up CO2 but the O2 they have produced in the day !!

Yes. My brain is finally getting into the 'fishy' way of thinking.

Hope that this helps. Felt my starter today when I got home from work and it was no warmer than usual and my CO2 unit was producing 1 bubble every 8 or nine seconds which is fine, I think, for my well planted 60 ltr tank with 36W of light.

Bye for now. I'm off to test my water...........going to get my first fish in the morning !



just realised mine will be doing exactrly the same and thats why I am only getting one bubble per minute or so :blush:

At what temp will things be better working at ?
Hi, I've tried out the DIY yeast brew... I got great bubbles for a few hours ..... (ie like 1 bubble every 3 seconds)..... then the next's back to about 1 bubble every 8-10 secs...

the only thing is that I didn't put the 'stabilizer' ..... would that help???
Hi Guys

Well done on an excellent forum, I have been reading it for hours. Very very informative!

I am just about to get a new Juwel Rio 125 which I intend to plant qite heavily. Could I get away with using one unit and more yeast? I want to avoid using two units if I can as there wont be a lot of space. I have seen that some people are getting problems with the yeast mix getting into the tank, I will use the drinks bottle idea to get round this, can get some miniature round Coke bottles which should do the trick.

The other issue is that I want to keep the unit below the tank, in the stand cupboard. Is this likely to cause me any issues?

Kind Regards
The unit below your tank will be fine. My kit is underneath my tank :)

Good idea using a second soda bottle to stop yeat getting in the tank. I now have a bubble counter that does this after my problem noted earlier in this thread :)
I seem to be getting a white milky substance at the bottom of the ladder and the bubbles seem to go very slowly thru it... any idea what it is? my water hardness is 5 so I have not put the Bicarbonate of soda ,,,, any ideas?
That's called white fluff ;), its very normal and harmless, but there isn't much you can do about it. Some say leave out the bicarb from the mix but that didn't work of me. The only partial solution I found was to have a separate bubble counter which 'cleans' the co2. This does mean the white fluff builds up inside of this, but at least it keeps it out of the tank.

Firstly, thanks for this thread.. much better isnt it.

I bought a nutrafin kit at the weekend, the mixture did two tenths of bugger all. I left it for a while just in case the water i added was not warn enough, but i was getting about one bubble per.. hmm day hehe.. or none. so... i changed to the home brew kit and now im getting one every 5-6 seconds.

So. couple of questions.

What is the expected bubble count with the home brew with 1/2 teaspoon of yeast...?

Does a shorter length of tubing have any advantages?

I got my Nutrafin Co2 kit over the weekend. I decided togive it a try with z supplied yeast and soda. After a slow start - bubble every 30sec., water wasn't warm enough I think. But after 24h I am getting bubble every 3-4s. I keep carnister on the top of my hood. I shell see how long will it last. I have already bought yest and soda so when I run out of other 2 provided packets I will go for a home wersion.
Hi, this is my first post on this forum; excellent forum and very informative btw. I have just recently begun to plant my 35 gallon aquarium. I have approx. 80 lbs. of sand, which comes to roughly 2.5-3 in. of sand in my tank. So thinking literally, I have about say 27-30 gallons of actual water in the tank. I have an open tank aquarium with a 50W PC mounted above. I currently have water sprite, amazon swords, java fern, hair grass, red ludwigia (sp?), some sort of pygmy grass, and banana plants; more recently I am trying out amazon micro swords. As of now, everything seems as though it is going good for now. Banana plants are shooting lilies to the aquarium surface, pygmy grass spreading, etc.

I recently purchased the common Nutrafin CO2 reactor. I am wondering how many of these units you would recommend installing on my aquarium. The one I just purchased I am still trying to get going (24hrs, and no CO2 bubbles at all). I think the yeast that came with the unit is expired, but I am going to try and restart.

I am using 2 units running in individual ladder. My question is, the mixture can only use for about 4 days here (in Malaysia) instead for a week. Is it because of the weather (warmer) here?
I am using 2 units running in individual ladder. My question is, the mixture can only use for about 4 days here (in Malaysia) instead for a week. Is it because of the weather (warmer) here?

Probably due to it being warmer :)

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