Number Of Things For Sale

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im refunding the money and sending the cheque back what else can i do... If you send me a PM with your paypal addy and the amount to send back I will do straight away. Its my boyfreinds paypal and he is 16... You can be 16 to start a paypal accont... What goes on in my life is nothing to do with you, me and my mom has never got alongeg. I have been done by police for hitting her back when she hit me (But this isnt anything to do you with really) just explaning whats going on... Im being nice enough to send cheques back and the paypal money... Which im going to do if you send pm with details etc... HelterShelter to be truthful I dont see why this is anything to do with you as you havent brought anything from me... I have been a member of RFUK for a little while now and this isnt a problem.. I wouldnt really like to be banned but I can understand and will accept if this happens. This is my fault as I should of kept my items at boyfriends and not mothers. As she is known for doing things like this...
Im refunding the money to people through paypal for sending cheques back. What ever you sent money through. could you please stop the bitching the thinking you now how my family lives because you dont! Me and my mom have always have fights and been done by police before for hitting her back when she hit me first (but this isnt anything really to do with you) Just trying to explain myself. If you send me a PM or email with your Paypal addy in and the amount you sent me. I will pay it back to you right away. I have the cheques all in the envolopes just getting some stamps and they will be sent. I dont see why everyone is like oh that doesnt happen in peoples life - Well guess what it does in mind. She has broken many things of mine before and it wont be the last either. Im sorry for what happen people I really am... Sometimes I wish I had different family so this wouldnt happen and so many people wouldnt hate me etc...
Lets hope everyone get's their money.

If you have problems and payed paypal you should be able to contact them.
Buy law if you dont get it back you should contact the police and get a crime reference number and claim.

its not i have the good for hayley and Terry all boxed up ready to go just waiting for paypal to clear thats all... This is a ford the other site was something to do with my mother. there is no need for police as sending them when i get money in bank. Its not my mothers accont its my boyfriend and he is 16 the right age to have a paypal... Please i have tried to explain on other site about this but they dont wanna listen. I live a hard life with fighter everyday and protecting my little sister, and i dont need you bitching about me in that way please. Im doing my very best just waiting for it to clear and the good will be on their way !
Please send your paypal addy and the amount I owe you... I will refund this as soon as I get your details.

Please could you stop the moaning and thinking you know how my life is. Because to be honest unless you know me personaly and have spent time with me then you dont. Which non of you have. Every family is different some good some bad. Well mine is laying in the bad family at the moment. I have been fighting with my mom for awhile now. I know I have been reported and Im sorry for what has happen. In a way it was my fault because I should of removed the good from her house to my boyfriend, and it was hers for breaking them. I can understand if I can banned, which I dont want to happen but its totaly my fault and thats a price I would have to pay... Please understand that Im sending back the cheques when the paypal transferes my money into the bank to get stamps to send the cheques back. I will be feunding the paypal money too. The paypal isnt my no but its my boyfriends. He is 16 old enough to start up a paypal accpnt. He has ben sat next to me with every bit of money i have sent out and recieve in. He knowns what I have been doing with his paypal. I set up paypal a while going just was waiting for it too all follow through, which it did sooner then I planned
people on this Thread :

Bagu - Didnt buy anything
Moose - didnt buy anything
Kizz - didnt buy anything
ArsenalDes - Wanted items but didnt send money
Tropical Fish - Sent money (havent got detials yet to send back)
Fats - didnt buy anything
Beccimac1987 - Wanted filter but changed mind - didnt send money
Real tree - brought plants (need detials to send back)
Ben.m - didnt buy anything
Nudzy - didnt buy anything
liveyourlife - didnt buy anything (was swapping but canceled the swap)
pippoodle - didnt send money
Anyw2008 - didnt send money
MermaidMel - Sending back cheque when i get the money
Deathy - Wasnt buying anything
Meehan09 - ???
the young one - wasnt buying
chesterscout - wasnt buying
seit - wasnt buying
backtotropical - wasnt buying MOD
heltershelter - just stiring thing up - wasnt buying
double trouble - wasnt buying
gary1990 - wasnt buying
murphee - paid for java moss
inchworm - MOD wasnt buying

If this is wrong in anyways please contact me through PM and i will refund the money etc
I am gobsmacked.

* Instead of long stories and excuses, just sort it out and apoligise, thats all people are interested in, i am sure.
* 2ndly why is a child allow to sell things in the first place, that's ridiculous!!
if there is anyone else online which hasnt got their money back (through paypal) please could you PM asap so we can get this sorted

Cheques are in letter and wrote letter explaning Im sorry. Wrote address one them just need to get to PO in morning to get some stamps then will be on their way :)

Sorry for all this
if there is anyone else online which hasnt got their money back (through paypal) please could you PM asap so we can get this sorted

Cheques are in letter and wrote letter explaning Im sorry. Wrote address one them just need to get to PO in morning to get some stamps then will be on their way :)

Sorry for all this

Sunday 2moro... Post office closed :)
people on this Thread :

Bagu - Didnt buy anything
Moose - didnt buy anything
Kizz - didnt buy anything
ArsenalDes - Wanted items but didnt send money
Tropical Fish - Sent money (havent got detials yet to send back)
Fats - didnt buy anything
Beccimac1987 - Wanted filter but changed mind - didnt send money
Real tree - brought plants (need detials to send back)
Ben.m - didnt buy anything
Nudzy - didnt buy anything
liveyourlife - didnt buy anything (was swapping but canceled the swap)
pippoodle - didnt send money
Anyw2008 - didnt send money
MermaidMel - Sending back cheque when i get the money
Deathy - Wasnt buying anything
Meehan09 - ???
the young one - wasnt buying
chesterscout - wasnt buying
seit - wasnt buying
backtotropical - wasnt buying MOD
heltershelter - just stiring thing up - wasnt buying
double trouble - wasnt buying
gary1990 - wasnt buying
murphee - paid for java moss
inchworm - MOD wasnt buying

If this is wrong in anyways please contact me through PM and i will refund the money etc

Please could u correct this
I said nothing until their was reports of you not sending out stuff!!!!!!
Even though u have done this to me twice and tried to get me banned for being "Aggressive".
Cant you understand why people are up set.

It's your fault no one else is to blame, making stories of thing's to make people feel sorry for you.....

Several other site's I use and know the admins of i warned to to watch out and low and behold your there doing the same thing with them also reporting they have not recived anything.

Tell me am i wrong in any of my facts here?
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