Now This Must Be Some Cramped Living Conditions

:-( :crazy: :grr: That's utterly disgusting and people like that shouldn't be allowed to ever keep fish again.

yip, but they could be someine that didnt know what the requirements of the fish where, but then again, the shop they bought them from should of asked what tank they where going into

Least the fish look healthy and water clear etc. It could be alot worse. Better to see healthy fish like that than one fish in a tank of Ammonia riff water not looked after. You all shouldnt be so quick to judge others!!
Least the fish look healthy and water clear etc. It could be alot worse. Better to see healthy fish like that than one fish in a tank of Ammonia riff water not looked after. You all shouldnt be so quick to judge others!!

It may appear so, but if those fish are indeed liveing in that tank, they are certainly stunted and will eventually die a slow painful death. Oscars, piranah, and that particular species of gourami grow to be very large and even individually may require an encloseure larger than the one pictured. Hopefully like i mentioned earlier they are mearly in there for a good picture and not perminately, but either way the owner is very irresponsible.
Least the fish look healthy and water clear etc. It could be alot worse. Better to see healthy fish like that than one fish in a tank of Ammonia riff water not looked after. You all shouldnt be so quick to judge others!!
That's called the fight for survival. They are alive and that's it.
It's easy to judge when it's crystal clear :)
''Least the fish look healthy and water clear etc. It could be alot worse. Better to see healthy fish like that than one fish in a tank of Ammonia riff water not looked after. You all shouldnt be so quick to judge others!!''

im going to be quick and judge you.. you aren't intelligent!!!
''Least the fish look healthy and water clear etc. It could be alot worse. Better to see healthy fish like that than one fish in a tank of Ammonia riff water not looked after. You all shouldnt be so quick to judge others!!''

im going to be quick and judge you.. you aren't intelligent!!!
now that's my man!
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''Least the fish look healthy and water clear etc. It could be alot worse. Better to see healthy fish like that than one fish in a tank of Ammonia riff water not looked after. You all shouldnt be so quick to judge others!!''

im going to be quick and judge you.. you aren't intelligent!!!

You have a lot to learn, my guess is you are somewhere between 10 - 12 so Im not going to get into a arguement little boy.

You should all reasearch lot more before you go slating everyone for their poor errors.
I bet over half of you guys have overstocked at some point in your learning curve.
All you betta keepers that stick a fish in a unfiltered pint glass for one are being very hypocritical. You say its all they need. Rubbish, its just you have never had the knowledge to have tanks larger than 50liters to try other fish.
Im not trying to flame here, all Im trying to say is dont be so quick to judge someone that might just need a friendly voice to explain why what they have is wrong. Surely a better message to send them was to join the forum and learn about the fish they have and the requirements of them.
You have a lot to learn, my guess is you are somewhere between 10 - 12 so Im not going to get into a arguement little boy.

a) Now who's being quick to judge?
B ) Again, who's the one being more immature?
c) How does age come into this? You could well be a 96 year old who has been fish keeping for 6 months, if vancouver is, as you think, '10-12', that could consist of seven years fishkeeping experience.

Least the fish look healthy and water clear etc.

Oh, that's OK then, I can keep my fish in ammonia because it's clear, and I'm sure the fish would look healthy to start with. You can't judge water quality by clarity of the water, some of the best fish habitats in the world have water that you can't see your hand in front of your face through.

It could be alot worse. Better to see healthy fish like that than one fish in a tank of Ammonia riff water not looked after.
Not really, I' sure a comparatively quick death through ammonia poisoing is much preferable to a life of being stunted, with aggressive, larg efish and no room to move.

You all shouldnt be so quick to judge others!!

But you seem to have judged vancouver extrodinarily quickly...

You should all reasearch lot more before you go slating everyone for their poor errors.
Research doesn't come into it, even someone who lives in a hole in the ground could tell you how god awful t hat tank appears.

I bet over half of you guys have overstocked at some point in your learning curve.
As above, overstocked, yes, but not to that extent. There's a vast difference between having a few extra tetras than hacing 3 oscars, a pirahna/pacu, a bichir and whatever else is in there too many.

All you betta keepers that stick a fish in a unfiltered pint glass for one are being very hypocritical. You say its all they need.
LOL, that's hilarious. I see no one doing that. 1g is the absolute minimum, 2.5+ is best, as long as water changes are often, filtration is not needed as it often does more harm than good. There is a vast difference between as oscar and a betta- A betta, weighed down with all that finnage, isn't the most active fish in the world. Even in a 6x2x2, it would stay in a small area, have its territory and patrol it viciously.

Rubbish, its just you have never had the knowledge to have tanks larger than 50liters to try other fish.
Try telling that to betta keepers with oscars, parrot hybrids, midas, bichirs, rare dwarf giraffe cats, common goldfish and any other large fish you can think of.

Im not trying to flame here
Really? You had me fooled.

all Im trying to say is dont be so quick to judge someone that might just need a friendly voice to explain why what they have is wrong. Surely a better message to send them was to join the forum and learn about the fish they have and the requirements of them.

I'm sure the person is already aware of the requirements, you don't have half a dozen 12" fish by knowing bugger all about them.
I've seen it all now :grr:
oh no!
i saw a 30"x12" tank on ebay with...
3 pihrana
2 clown loach
a big gouramis
and loads more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(thats cruel to!!!!)
why do people treat fish like this???

OHHH carp, I never ment for all this to blow up,

but then again, some people need to learn right ways of doing things
You have a lot to learn, my guess is you are somewhere between 10 - 12 so Im not going to get into a arguement little boy.

a) Now who's being quick to judge?
B ) Again, who's the one being more immature?
c) How does age come into this? You could well be a 96 year old who has been fish keeping for 6 months, if vancouver is, as you think, '10-12', that could consist of seven years fishkeeping experience.

Having a guess about someones age is not judging them, its mearly a observation.
Age comes into it same as how it comes into you jumping in kids with a small amount of knowledge THINK they know it all. Because some text books say one thing it doesnt make it the set in stone rule, which you nippers will realise with a bit of experiance.
omg i just feel sooo sorry for those fish in there! well, hopefully whoever buys it can sort it out :/

and what is this whole thing over vancouvers age? and what does it matter anyway? just because someones young doesnt mean they dont know as much as you, nor does it mean they dont know more than you.
and Fish Importer, you guessed wrong, and how can you tell us not to judge so quickly, when you go round guessing that we're ten, and calling us little nippers, when you've barely been here a day?!
Oh, that's OK then, I can keep my fish in ammonia because it's clear, and I'm sure the fish would look healthy to start with. You can't judge water quality by clarity of the water, some of the best fish habitats in the world have water that you can't see your hand in front of your face through.

Except ammonia clouds the water!

It could be alot worse. Better to see healthy fish like that than one fish in a tank of Ammonia riff water not looked after.
Not really, I' sure a comparatively quick death through ammonia poisoing is much preferable to a life of being stunted, with aggressive, larg efish and no room to move.

Except ammonia burns the fish, causing them to die in ammense pain as their gills get burnt and they become unable to breath!

You all shouldnt be so quick to judge others!!

But you seem to have judged vancouver extrodinarily quickly...

No he judge I mearly commented

You should all reasearch lot more before you go slating everyone for their poor errors.
Research doesn't come into it, even someone who lives in a hole in the ground could tell you how god awful t hat tank appears.

I bet over half of you guys have overstocked at some point in your learning curve.
As above, overstocked, yes, but not to that extent. There's a vast difference between having a few extra tetras than hacing 3 oscars, a pirahna/pacu, a bichir and whatever else is in there too many.

All you betta keepers that stick a fish in a unfiltered pint glass for one are being very hypocritical. You say its all they need.
LOL, that's hilarious. I see no one doing that. 1g is the absolute minimum, 2.5+ is best, as long as water changes are often, filtration is not needed as it often does more harm than good. There is a vast difference between as oscar and a betta- A betta, weighed down with all that finnage, isn't the most active fish in the world. Even in a 6x2x2, it would stay in a small area, have its territory and patrol it viciously.

Stange because mine swim around very happy in a stocked 350 litre tank.
Rubbish, its just you have never had the knowledge to have tanks larger than 50liters to try other fish.
Try telling that to betta keepers with oscars, parrot hybrids, midas, bichirs, rare dwarf giraffe cats, common goldfish and any other large fish you can think of.

Im not trying to flame here
Really? You had me fooled.

You are flaming me because I beleve you should not be so quick to slate someone for having a over stocked tank

all Im trying to say is dont be so quick to judge someone that might just need a friendly voice to explain why what they have is wrong. Surely a better message to send them was to join the forum and learn about the fish they have and the requirements of them.

I'm sure the person is already aware of the requirements, you don't have half a dozen 12" fish by knowing bugger all about them.

They may have brought them as 2" small fish and know no better, and these samll fish have grown in to these larger fish.
Something that will never happern to you as from what Ive researched on you, your fish all die within a few months of you owning them.
I should sort you own fish keeping skills before preaching to others!

omg i just feel sooo sorry for those fish in there! well, hopefully whoever buys it can sort it out :/

and what is this whole thing over vancouvers age? and what does it matter anyway? just because someones young doesnt mean they dont know as much as you, nor does it mean they dont know more than you.
and Fish Importer, you guessed wrong, and how can you tell us not to judge so quickly, when you go round guessing that we're ten, and calling us little nippers, when you've barely been here a day?!

Read the post, all I said was im not going to argue with him as he was obviously a 10-12 year old! Thats it.
Amasing that no one sees he judges me in his first post for no reason.
I wonder if thats because I have a different view so am seen as the bad guy. Or is it because Im new here.
Hmm the friendlyest fish forum. haha good joke!!

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