Now it's ick

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Got the fish about 3 weeks ago. Infection appeared the day I reported it on the other thread. What was that, 3-4 days ago?

I wish I could give a better description of what that platy has now, but it is just tan spots right on the top of its body. The female has a small bite out of the back of her tail.

I don't see many white spots left on the fish when I look now. The male variatus has some small spots on the tail that look more tannish than white. But I may be over-analyzing.

I'll be quiet now until I can do the tests. Thanks all. Let's hope the fish make it a few more days until I can help them more.
Now I don't want to seem aggressive. But why on earth did you put tropical fish into a coldwater tank ?? Surely that is just plain stupid.
Did you read this thread, William?

Try a Google search on "room temperature" AND platy and you'll see umpteen sites that confirm what 3 pet stores told me -- platies are fine in water 66 or so and above. Room temp.
Try a google search on betta and coldwater and umpteen places will recommend a coldwater tank.  It is not good for the fish, they may tolerate it and live shorten lives or as in your case they may not.

Re reading the topic in the FIRST reply macaquatic stated what I have already said. So maybe it is you who actually needs to reread the topic because all of your questions are answered there.
Ostrow, I have been watching this thread with interest. Please, let's sum everything up.
Your platies can be a cool water fish. You are correct. But you have a multi species tank. Most molly keepers will not let temps fall below 78 degress. Most recommend 80. Platies don't need to be this warm, but they do like it. The mollies are more than likely the cause of your trouble. They are the sick ones and spreading it to others. They will continue to be ill until your temp gets straightened out.
Your first priority will be to get a freakin heater in that tank! :)
Secondly, bring the temp up a couple degrees an hour.
Third, test.
Lastly, THEN let us know.

Ostrow, nothing is gonna get better until you get em warm. We are all shooting in the dark until you get your BASE tank parameters correct for ALL your fish.

It will work out. You are gonna have some sick fishies for a few days, cause they won't get better overnight, even when you get the treatment right. :)

I am not sure who you are arguing with! I have no beef with anything anyone has said, except for those calling me stupid for seeking advice, confirming that advice, and then doing Web research to re-confirm the advice. I now understand that the advice was wrong, at least that is the consensus here. When have I disputed what anyone has said about that? Not once. Macaquatic didn't call me or anyone else stupid, nor did I disagree with his diagnosis.

I said I'd be quiet until I get the test and heater stuff that I ordered. But I had to respond to this.

Thanks Lakes for the encouragement. I think they're gonna make it. Oddly, the Mollies are the ones the lfs said would BEST tolerate the cool water, and you know what, they are the ones without any visible ick or fungus. They both still seem happy as clams. It is the platies and variatus that are in stress. Clearly this isn't a hard science!

Anyway, as I said before I'll let you know when I learn more.
OK i can see this thread is starting to get out of hand now :angry:

ostrow you need to start takin the advice given and stop delaying in getting a heater and getting those all important water tests done!!!......after all it surely doesnt take too much effort to get down to your lfs and get the tests etc done does it? cannot delay any longer getting these essentials done OK!!!!!

As for the rest of us...............i feel it best to leave this topic for the time being until ostrow has decided to take the appropriate action as advised as it is getting to be a waste of time and effort!!! :angry:

Please do not take offence to this post everyone...........i just feel that this is something that needs to be said!!!!! :angry:

After all we can only help those who are willing to help themselves!!!!! :hmm:
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