Now it's ick

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I've just noticed two white-spots on two of my fish, a Black Widow Tetra and one of my White Cloud Mountain Minnows. I'm using Interpet Anti White Spot, I've just done a dose, I'll follow the guidelines given with the packet - I did that a couple of weeks back and cleared up ok. I'm treating the whole tank.

I'm not a goldfish fan either.
yeah try both med's together(just remember to remove any carbon) and raise the temp slightly. If you've just done a 20% change try another 30%. The cleaner the water the better chance the fish will have to avoid any illnesses as most are caused or a result of poor water quality and fluctuations in temp' try and get that to 77F although the fish are ill they may perk up a bit as they could be feeling the cold.
It's a pity Rose has got a knackered PC as she,s the one that will give you the best advice in the quickest time. she was on last night and would have posted if anyone gave the wrong advice so at least I'm doing something right. :laugh:
I'm going to do some more checking on a couple of other things that might be happening
Well can't raise temp without heater. And if temp changes affect the fish, I need to let water sit overnight to get to the same temp as the tank but will change water again soon. Gotta get the maracyn's at the store anyway.

I'm hoping though that Maracide and Aquarisol will get rid of this stuff and that the addition of heater in a couple days will impove the situation.

They can't be too hurting ... at least 3 are still poopin'! :grin:
Someone earlier had said not to change water after beginning with the meds. Something about countering the work of the meds. Since I changed 20% then started using Maracide -- only 2 days now, does it really make sense to change more? I fear shocking the fish even worse.
Sorry, best leave the water change for a few days then. Try raising the temp when you get the heater and see if there's any improvement using the maracide first. It generaly does the same as the maracyn so you should only need to get maracyn2.(i may have that the wrong way round. Check the board l8r and I'll put it right).
The most likely cause of your whitespot out break is the lack of a heater in your tank resulting in a low temp and stressed fish as this is when fish are most likely to get whitespot

Where did you buy your tank, fish the fish shop should have informed you that tropical fish need a heater to keep them healthy!!!.........they will survive for a short period in an unheated tank but this is all they are doing SURVIVING!!

If your lfs advised you that you do not need a heater then i would advise you to find another lfs to use as this would of been very bad advice to give you and i would not trust their judgement on anything else :angry:

It really never ceases to amaze me how many lfs's will quite happily sell fish etc to people with out checking that the proper set up is in place and that the customer is well informed of the fishes requirments :angry: :angry:

At least you are taking the correct course of action now mate ...........and dont delay in getting that heater any longer as if you do i feel that you may well loose all of your fish :cry:
Well, many, many places assured me that platies and mollies can survive quite happily at room temp. Several Google search hits confirmed that.

Anyway, heater is coming.

Now the male platy has tan/white patches (not dots) on the top of his body. Not fully covering him, but there are a few. The female may have one on her side, hard to tell.

I fear this is spinning out of control but I'm trying. NO longer convinced this is Ick.
Well im sorry to say that i disagree with keeping tropical fish at such a low temp as it makes them prone to disease......not that you were to know by the sound of it :(

I agree that it does sound like this has now progressed to something more than whitespot and will be looking in my fish books, mags and on the net to try to help you on this one as it does seem that you now have BIG problems :(

I hope that we can all help you clear this up mate

P.S i only keep Killifish and White Cloud Mountain Minnows at room temp as they are used to lower temps in the wild.....there are some other species that will be fine in an unheated aquarium but as a rule of thumb always fit a heater if you do not heat your house to the temp of the tropics lol ;) 8)
Tan patches of about what size?
Fish may become sluggish, lose balance, show hollow bellies, and eventually show external cysts or sores
Does this sound familiar?
We really need to no what you're water parameters are, nitrates nitrites etc. Take a sample of your tank water to your lfs and ask them to test it.(most reputable ones should do this but may charge £1 or so for a full test).
we need a detailed description of all symptoms physical and behavioural, Where abouts the tan patches are and if they're getting darker?. Also tell us exactly your knowledge on fishkeeping. What size were the white spots you originaly thought was ick and did they get any bigger?
The Ick was and is ick. They were white, salt-sized dots most visible on the fins.

The tan spots are more like small splotches on the top of the male platy's body in front and behind the fin. It is the only one with the tan patch.

The female platy now has a wounded tail (presumably from other fish attacking the sore from the Ick exit wound).

I decided a bit of food may ward off the attacks on the fish, and indeed all seemed quite happy to eat (duh, they're fish!)

I don't see any of the symptoms in adeyc's quote -- as soon as I put some food in the sluggishness disappeared too.
Do you mind my asking how long you have kept fish?????? :what:
It sounds like your fish now have a secondry infection. As to what it is there could be a few possibilities all diferent with diferent treatments. we really need to know what the water conditions are like, and you need to get that heater as soon as possible. The main cause of any fish illness is poor water quality, so I can't stress how important it is to keep the water clean.
You really MUST get those water tests done and a heater fitted mate as all your doing is prolonging your fishes suffering!!

Once we know the results from the water tests we can advise from there ;)
Pete the others from another thread I had started know I'm new to this. I'll have heater and test kit in a day or two. I've tested the water many times though even when I had the goldfish and it was always perfect ... Ammonia and Nitrites 0 and nitrates in normal range, so I'm not too concerned about the water quality. Tested it a week ago at lfs after all fish had been in there a few weeks to see if my cycle was over and it tested normal on all fronts.

I think temp and temp fluctuation when I have changed water is coming into play. But I'm not sure what else.

I agree with adeyc there is some secondary going on so I'll get the maracyn2 tomorrow.

If the secondry infection is bad it may need treated as it's now a primary infection. At the moment we don't know what it is although as I said there are a few possibilities.
How long ago did you get the fish from the lfs and how long was it before the infection showed up?
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