now i am worried

I would be more worried about the lump. It could be a tumor. The clamped fins could be a result of it feeling bad, and laying around. The fish could also have internal parasites, even tape worms. There is different foods with antibiotics mixed in the foods. Keep the betta warm, do water changes daily, add some aqarium salt to the water if you don't already. Salt can harm the bettas if used too much. I put a little less than recommended in all my water, as it is a preventive against velvet, and gill inflammation. Some salt promotes healthy gill development. Normally, when a betta acts this way, I have found it to be a parasite of some kind. Trying to determine what is the problem is the the first step. Do some research on disease sites. Sometimes, curing the fish is way more expensive than the fish is worth. Then it comes down to how much the fish means to you. If you can isolate the fish, even put it in another room, it will help to prevent any others from catching whatever is wrong. Clean any nets, cups, etc that you use on him. A 1/10 bleach to water mix is recommended for cleaning equipment used in his water. If he will not eat, feeding live foods will help him to want to eat. The longer he eats, the longer he can fight off whats bothering him.

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