now i am worried


Fish Herder
May 10, 2004
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my DT is acting weird lately, he refused to eat anything in the last 2 days or so...and all day i find him in his plant..lying down like this: :/


i dont' think th'ats a very natural position for a betta. This morning when i found him like that i thought he had died, so i poked him and he came swimming right out :blink:

he is in a 1g by himself, and is looking very pale and dull lately :/
now would be a good time to do something about it before it gets worse cutecotton. your betta doesn't look active. in a situation like this we would take the betta out of the tank and put him in a smaller jar (say 1 1/2 litre) with new water and medicate perhaps with bettamax. make sure he is in a warm place too. at this point you don't really know what is wrong with him as i take it no visible signs of infection (ie. fungus or clamped fins) are yet present. in a smaller container though, it's easier for him to get to the surface and it's easier to see what is wrong with him. keep an eye out and see what develops in the next day or two. keep feeding him a pellet at a time but take out any uneaten food promptly.
yeah i just realized that none of the stoers around here carry bettamax, so i put some salt + melafix inot his tank.

I wonder if he cuold just be cold? yesterday we left the ac on and it got pretty chilly over the night :blink: all the others are fine though.

He's no longer laying around in his plant, now he's just in a corner :unsure: im' not sure if it's part of his body but i *think* i see some kind of lump bulging out from one of his sides, noen of his scales are poppin gout, tis' just like there's a soft bump underneath his skin.

I'll be changing his water daily and continue medication to see if he gets better.

kinda scary seeign him pooped out under the palnt though :(
it sounds to me like his conditions were indeed too cold, could be a bit of a vitimin deficiancy as well. warmth is very important right now.

he's gotten worse

i foudn out what this disesae mgiht be...tail melt

kirby (his name) is literally melting away, i will post pics later on. This is really depressing for me, he was the fish that my bf got for me :( :sad:

anyways i've moved him from my fishroom to my room where i can be with him more, and i have medicated with slat and melafix. Also his water will be changed on a daily basis, and hoepfully he will pull though :(
here are some pictures. if any one has any idea what else i can do please say so...see how his fins look like wet nylon or something, all shriveled up :(



I have seen this, in one of my bettas. His tail didn't seem to actually go away, but it stuck together and looked all shriveled looking at the ends, as did his anal fin (and dorsal too, now that I look at the pic). I cured it with every other day wc's, salt, and Aquarisol - I think that is what made the big difference. It wouldn't hurt to try it. Here's a pic of my guy before he got better (he was acting really yucky too). Good luck!


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thanks julie! it's really good to hear that some bettas have survived this! kirby has hope!

i've never heard of aquarisol you have ap icture of the medication? what does it treat and how much was it? was it a capsule or liquid? sorry for all the qusetions :*)

do you think i should change hsi water everyday or every other day? i'm afraid if i change it too often he'll be too stressed..

aww i jsut looked at him, he has tucked himself away on the bottom of the plant again :-( it really worries me to see him like that becuase he looks dead as a doorknob! :-( :-(
Poor baby!!! I hope he pulls through. :sad:

Aquarisol is a liquid, blue, and comes in a little or large bottle. The active ingredient is copper sulfate I believe, and it works on a wide range of diseases, and also as a preventative (mostly what I use it for). You add one or two drops per gallon, and daily if it is for treatment.

If water changes stress him out, don't do them as often. Most of my bettas don't mind their water changed (I use a baster), so just go with your gut there, and just make sure it stays extra clean.

Here's a picture of the big bottle of Aquarisol, the small one is only 2 or 3 inches high or so, but lasts a long time.

ooo those, i think i might have seen some around, in a small little dropper bottle type of thing. Could i medicate him wtih melafix and aquasiol at the same time? or should i just stick with one? -_- do you think melafix woudl do the trick?
You could probably do both, melafix is pretty natural, and aquarisol isn't too strong. That's up to you though. I don't know if melafix would work though, didn't on my guy, and sometimes makes them worse. :dunno: I'd get some aquarisol if you can, it sounds like you're talking about the right stuff, and it's really cheap for as long as it lasts! :)
Hi Cutecotton,

I have a male betta who had the same problem, it developed when the heater failed for a few days (he was the only fish in the tank at the time).

I think that salt does more harm than good to a fish (there is plenty of scientific data supporting that view) and Melafix is more for treating small wounds & as a preventative med.

I would suggest moving your betta to a heated tank as they are a tropical fish and the colder they get the more inactive and unhappy they become.

Good luck :)

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