Now Deceased..


Fish Aficionado
May 11, 2005
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One of the owners favorites, the betta "Queeny" was found dead this evening.
Judging by how dry her poor body was the investigator said she's been dead since this morning, when the owner did not notice.
She was found behind the tank she shared with her sister, under some plug extentions. The investigator believed she flopped around quiet a bit, and died of none other than asphyxiation.

Currently there are no plans for her replacement, even though she was due to be bred early this comming summer.
Her sister now owns the entire tank, which previously was divided; no suspision has been placed on her for foul play.
Thank you for tuning in to your local TFF betta news.


(Female on right)
Aw, poor queenie, I remember how excited you were to get her... Rest In Peace little one.

Ps, I dunno about that sister, I'm thinkin' something smells fishy! (*gags at lame joke*) But, you know what they say: if the glove doesn't fit, you must aquit! :p
Sorry about your fish :( I reckon wherever bettas(RIP wise) go they wouldnt be in glass bowls because they wouldnt fight. Wow what a sight.

Every colour from the earth swimming lazily by,
Every shade, blues, greens stolen from the sky.

All the bettas ever lost in one beautiful place
Angels cooing over them..each with a different face.

Sorry in to soppy poems at the mo. :*)
I'm so sorry, too, Ethos. What a pretty girl.

My sorority tank has turned into a death trap. Every day I find a snail decicated body in there, it seems like. I have lost at least 5 or 6 ladies this winter. All healthy in the morning, all bones at night. I am taking the tank apart this weekend and moving the girls around. Sigh I just lost my only girl from Thailand. Sigh At least I can't find her. sigh

It's very discouraging, Ethos. :-(
Liz-I LOVE your poem. Did you write it? Mind if I reframe the thought and build on it a bit? Not soppy at all.
Sorry about your goil ethos. Tough to lose a friend.
Thank you for you kind remarks about my poem,
I am at the moment doing an ou "start writing poetry" course so I do like poems!
You shouldnt have got me started.

To a betta:

A beautiful glimmer of rainbow hues caught my glance.
I looked again a sigh escaped my very soul
The iridescent shimmer so sad and subdued
Tore at my heart.

A beauty snared in such a tiny vase.

At home now his grandeur is a sight to behold
His fins erect his look so bold.
He has lived his life in care and love.
My beautiful betta now grown old.
What you SHOULD do is to post a new topic and share your Betta poems. I write poems about animals too but never Bettas. You've given me some inspiration to do so however...........
Thanks yall, I still don't think her sister notices
I've had cats who didn't seem to notice when the lady who was the head of the pecking order left. I don't know if it's the same??? They just plain didn't like the boss-lady cat. Is it the same here or did they commune?
Death is a part of fish keeping its sad and hard to deal with it but then when you go out and buy another betta all your sadness is pretty much gone.

Sorry to hear about her death. :-(
Yup you are so right mishy. It's a part of pet keeping, family life and life in general. Best to enjoy and appreciate those around us as much as we can each day. I always think it's best not remember the way death came but what I shared with that individual. I think after time passes we forget the bad thankfully and remember the good with greater intensity.
remember the good with greater intensity...annie you need to make a free verse about that..your turn... (on a new thread if you like cos I am a bit off topic)

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