Fish abuser...

I have a neighbor that lives close to me that is NOT nice to fish or any other animal for that matter.

She takes animals from the wild, and makes them her pet. (That is illegal in KY, just so you know)

The first fish she killed was a betta fish. Her dad claims he is a “fish expert” and yet the had him in a mason jar, with no heater, substrate, or filter. That one really made me mad. It died due to fin rot, dropsy, and fungus, because she hadn’t done a water change in a really long time. “Oh, I just have been putting it off”... umm... yeah... you just killed your fish! I tried to keep telling her that it had diseases; man, I even offered to treat it for free! She still refused. :mad:

Her next victim was 2 large mouth bass, in a 5g tank. She literally caught them in the creek (with no fishing license and without the land owners permission) and put them in that dirty tank. (Still no filter or clean water - just creek water)

If it doesn’t surprise you, they died soon after.

The list goes on about how many fish she has killed. She doesn’t care for them, or her other pets for that matter! I feel sorry for them as well - all cooped up in a tiny, muddy back yard. Her own dogs have even killed each other and a neighbors dog.

She also tortured frogs by holding them in her hand until they suffocate.

I just can’t get over it. She is so cruel to animals and her parents are ok with it?? And, even worse, she my sisters friend. That means I have to see her, a lot...

But I’m done with it. Next time she hurts an animal like that on my property, I’m going to get on her about it.

Anyway, that’s the story. Sorry for blowing up like that, I’m just so irritated.:mad::(

So she is a child? If I were you maybe the way you approach her will make a great impact. Try educating her instead of scolding her maybe talk about her interests in animals and the proper way to care for them. I’m not sure if this will help but when I get approached a certain way good or bad it has a profound impact on how the rest of the interaction continues.
Actually the quickest way to befriend her is by giving her some gifts, etc.
Perhaps you can offer a few of your extra shrimps or shrimplets to her.

Most girls like shrimps especially shrimplets.
They are so cute.
Actually the quickest way to befriend her is by giving her some gifts, etc.
Perhaps you can offer a few of your extra shrimps or shrimplets to her.

Most girls like shrimps especially shrimplets.
They are so cute.
I have tried to get her interested in tanks before, but she prefers large farm animals.

Her whole family raises animals for food, but that’s no excuse for the conditions they are kept in... even if I were to raise animals for food, they would all have proper sized enclosures.
I mean guys come on she is only 13 give her a break. First of all she doesn't need a fishing license unilt she is 16 as minors usualy don't need a license for hunting or fishing. She does not own the farm animals so it is not her fault what size the enclosures for the animals are, its the parents. Yeah so she killed a few fish mabey she didn't know better or if she was given advice she is 13 and kids at that age can be stubborn, trust me I have a sister that age.
Complete and utter selfish people. Do they have a MAGA sign in front of the house by any chance
You must have a Joe Biden sign outside your house.
She still didn’t have the land owners permission to be fishing on his property.

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