Noveice With A Pregnant Mollie

Omg 5teady, I just watched this video the other day without realizing that they were yours. They're huge! My females are like half their size. I was actually commenting on their size compared to mine to my sis yesterday. Will mine get that large, or does size differ depending on exactly what Molly species that they are bred from?
Omg 5teady, I just watched this video the other day without realizing that they were yours. They're huge! My females are like half their size. I was actually commenting on their size compared to mine to my sis yesterday. Will mine get that large, or does size differ depending on exactly what Molly species that they are bred from?

They are extra large ones lol, i aint ever seen them this big before, i went in to my lfs and there was about 10 of them so i bought 3 that was heavy pregnant, i dont know how they got this big lol to be honest.
I'm guessing gamma bomb Bruce Banner (The Incredible Hulk for those of you who aren't total geeks like me). LOL :nerd:
5teady: We love you! (Listen to him. Predicts drops to within 15 minutes. Thought I might have beaten him a few weeks ago with two hours between trapping and getting fry... nope. Impossible to do, I think.)

I don't know much about balloon mollies but I might try and get some photos of my own platies out of interest, because they look like the photos on 5teady's thread - all the time. And in the meantime, I will quit hijacking your thread.

I'm with everyone else: anything yet?
yay.. we have blast off!

I put her in the trap this morning coz she was hovering behind a plant again, then let her out at lunch time coz she started getting a bit stressed and i needed to go shopping! I was only gone for an hour and came back to find a lil fry being chased around by one of my while mollies! Arrghh, so the shopping litrally got dropped in the middle of the living room so I could start fishing out fry with my net and put them in the trap lol! Luckily as 'i was trying to use the trap and net to scoop the fry, mummy fish scooped herself into the trap!

I caught about 30, and just had another count up of around 50!

Also, some of them are dying shortly after they're dropped, is this normal?

Right, pics... (best I could get without a digi cam!)


And, is this an unfertilized egg I spy?

yay.. we have blast off!

I put her in the trap this morning coz she was hovering behind a plant again, then let her out at lunch time coz she started getting a bit stressed and i needed to go shopping! I was only gone for an hour and came back to find a lil fry being chased around by one of my while mollies! Arrghh, so the shopping litrally got dropped in the middle of the living room so I could start fishing out fry with my net and put them in the trap lol! Luckily as 'i was trying to use the trap and net to scoop the fry, mummy fish scooped herself into the trap!

I caught about 30, and just had another count up of around 50!

Also, some of them are dying shortly after they're dropped, is this normal?

Right, pics... (best I could get without a digi cam!)


And, is this an unfertilized egg I spy?


She is not very far away at all, she is nearly squared off at the bottom, which is a key factor with balloons cos they usually have a right rapid drop from tail to stomach, but on yours this aint visible coe the back end of her has dropped..

Also the overhead view, she is getting wider, i think she will get a bit more bigger before dropping but as i said, i dont think she is far off.

View attachment 53627

So i was not far off then lol...

Congrats, they look like very healthy fry, feed them 4-5 times a day if you can (small amounts), the egg is a unfertilised one yes, but dont worry, this is nothing do with anything you have done... you can clearly see the fry have almost rid of thier yolk sac, so they was ready to come out.

Nope you were pretty close! To be honest, if it wasn't for your thread about yuor fish droppin, I'd have had no idea about ny of this! lol So thank you very much!!

I've taken the mother and the bit that seperates them out now and loads of them are swimming around at the top!! But a few of them are dead and a few more seem to be just lying on the bottom,butt heir gills are going... is this normal or is that due to the poor water condition?

Also now that she's dropped them, about 70-80 I thin I can count..I dont really know what to do with them! Obviously my tank is no where near big enough to keep them, so how long should I leave them before hopefully finding some other fish keepers/shop that will take them?
Most lfs like them at sellable size which is around 1"..

Mine will take young though and have a huge tank for them to go in, maybe your lfs might have one.

Dont worry about them resting on the bottom, its not unusual, tomorrow u will find them all swimming around the trap.. if i was you though, id think about getting another trap and halfing them in to each.

It wont harm to do a waterchange, so maybe do a 40% one :)
I dunno what I'd do without this site! lol I'll have to have a word at my LFS, I have to go to get meds tomorrow anyway. The trap they're in at the moment is one of the double ones like in your video you showed me, will another of them be better than the single ones?
You might be better off getting a breeder net...they tend to be a little larger and allow for better water circulation.
You might be better off getting a breeder net...they tend to be a little larger and allow for better water circulation.

100% agree with this, breeding nets are very cheap and a very good size, put most of them in it and leave maybe 20 in the trap.

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