Noveice With A Pregnant Mollie

Ok, I dont remember seeing breeding nets when I went to buy this trap... altho I could have just missed it since I didn't know what I was looking for even! It's a pain only havinf 1 fish shop :(
Agreed! I only have one as well. At least mine is a very good one. They got new fish in today and I haven't been anywhere near the fish shop. I'm going ABSOLUTELY MAD. At least I have to go to the dentist tomorrow and will no doubt be told I have to have all my wisdom teeth hacked out of my head, and my mother will no doubt feel so sorry for me she won't complain about the increasing fish count! Ha!

That is a LOT of fry, and they look large and healthy, congratulations! A few fry dying after birth is common in mollies, especially balloons. They tend to hold onto the fry for a bit too long, so that some have already used up their yolk sacs when born and starve.
Unfertilised eggs are relatively normal. So are fry that are born rolled up in a ball. You will know they are fry and not eggs because they have eyes. It might seem heartless but the kindest thing to do is to feed them to another fish or squash them. They will never unroll but may survive for several hours while they slowly die in the agony of not having been able to fill their swim bladders. Sometimes you also get fry with twisted spines or conjoined twins... again the best thing to do is to cull immediately. It's a lot easier to remove culls when they are a few hours old than when they are starting to look like lil fishies.

Feeding flakes as they come probably won't accomplish much. I feed my fry flakes... what I do is put a few flakes in a small container, like a shot glass or one of those crafty-bits containers. Get an eye dropper. Add some tank water until the flakes are wet. Add another 2 or three mL of water. Suck the resulting sludge in and out of the eye dropper. This will break the flakes up into tiny pieces. Feed that to the fry.

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