Nothobranchius Rachovii Beira 98


Fish Aficionado
Oct 4, 2007
Reaction score
Hi was wondering what u info you can give me onrasing these i am getting 50eggs to raise .
any info on rasing, behaviour and tank size i would need would be great.
and also do you knwo a good website with info on these?
I have bred many Nothobranchius species including rachovi Beira 98
Setup as follows.
12"x8"x8" tank will suffice for a well conditioned trio (1 Male : 2 Females)
Bare base tank with a jam-jar 1/2 filled with peat moss which has been well rinsed and aged (leave outside in a bucket and water replaced on a daily basis. use the moss that has becomed waterlogged and has sunk to the base of the bucket)
A small air driven sponge filter set to a trickle is also an advantage.
The water temperature should be set to around 75'F
These little beauties are very prolific and the peat should be harvested at weekly intervals, squeeze the water from it until it is about the consistancy of pipe tobacco. Then bag it, label it and store at around 72'f for between 6-9 months. A good tool to have is a strong magnifying glass. When the eggs are ready to hatch you will at first glance notice the fully formed eyes and a gold ring around the iris (use the magnifying glass) Eggs are very difficult to see but with a little practice they will become apparent.
The next stage is to wet the eggs, place the peat in a margarine tub and cover with about 2" of water at a temperature of around 72'F. The fry are very tiny upon hatching and require small infusoria for the first day or so before moving on to the usual newly hatched brineshrimp and microworms. They grow quickly being annuals and they should be sexually mature in around 6-8 weeks.
As with most annual killifish they do not take to flake or dried foodstuffs readily and frozen food is a poor substitute for Livefood which they relish. (Grindalworm, Whiteworm, Bloodworm & Fruitfly)
Life expectancy is around 14 months sometimes longer in the aquarium.
I hope this was of some help

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