Not So Smart Friend


New Member
Aug 12, 2011
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Kitchener, ON
A friend of mine bought himself a 30 Gallon tank, and cycled it which is all good and all..... but then he got a footlong silver arowana and put it in that tank, at first i laughed my butt off at how cramped the poor guy looked. then i immediately convinced him to send the big guy back to the store. but he still wants a fish, he says he wants a single aggressive fish that will eat live feeders and will live comfortably in that tank,.... O.O?.... i cant think of any, maybe Im wrong, any suggestions? I didnt blame him cause hes not all there.
I don't know about really aggressive fish, I guess some form of Cichlid possibly? Although they aren't probably as aggressive in eating habits as the arowana. I hope he's not gonna live feed mice and stuff? :(
I don't know about really aggressive fish, I guess some form of Cichlid possibly? Although they aren't probably as aggressive in eating habits as the arowana. I hope he's not gonna live feed mice and stuff? :(
Nah, i wouldnt let him do that. i was thinking some cichlid to, like a black convict or something, but i dont think they eat feeders.
Feeders are actually very bad for the fish as they contain little nutrients and can carry disease :/
If he really wants a fish that must eat live fish, he needs to first get another tank setup for breeding and raising his own live food, making sure they are gut loaded before adding them to the piscore's tank. That way, you avoid the typical often disease ridden, poor nutrition live feeders sold in stores.
It sounds like the only reason he wants a fish is to feed it live food, which just isn't on. He should be very strongly dissuaded and I don't care how 'not all there' he is, really :grr:
Feeders are actually very bad for the fish as they contain little nutrients and can carry disease :/
oh i know that, i never feed my own arowana feeders as a staple, but once in awhile on special occasions is alright. now, do you have any suggestions on what fish he should get?
If he really wants a fish that must eat live fish, he needs to first get another tank setup for breeding and raising his own live food, making sure they are gut loaded before adding them to the piscore's tank. That way, you avoid the typical often disease ridden, poor nutrition live feeders sold in stores.
I know that to, I breed my feeders. I look at my local fish stores feeder "pit", and i find grimy bottoms with dead feeders riddled on the ground, gross. Do you have any suggestions on a fish that will live in his tank?
why are you just ignoring fluttermoth

live feeders are unethical and unhealthy for fish and a lot of fish are better off with prawns/cockles/mussels and a good carnivore pellet.
It sounds like the only reason he wants a fish is to feed it live food, which just isn't on. He should be very strongly dissuaded and I don't care how 'not all there' he is, really :grr:
I agree, but if he feeds his future fish feeders all the time i will stop him myself, i also keep an eye on him cause we live in the same house, and i would never dissuade a person from taking on a new hobby, especially one as fulfilling as fishkeeping. and who says im ignoring him hanny93, cant a man go to the washroom once in awhile?
you replied to people who posted AFTER FM but not FM, so i assumed you were ignoring.
why are you just ignoring fluttermoth

live feeders are unethical and unhealthy for fish and a lot of fish are better off with prawns/cockles/mussels and a good carnivore pellet.
to each his own, i dont find feeding feeders unethical cause they are bred to be eaten, but not as a staple. I breed my own feeders in good conditions, not like the local petstore. carnivore pellets are my arowanas staple food. Now, do you have a suggestion on what fish he should get, i dont want to turn this topic on a discussion on ethics.
I know of a few people that keep 1 red belly piranha in a 30 gal tank. The piranha will more than likely be very happy too. As long as there is plenty of hiding places (as they are known to be shy) and a lot of filtration then you will be ok. I feed mine live a feeder occasionally (once a month) which i keep in a separate tank for a few weeks to make sure they are clear of any potential diseases. I also feed them frozen fish (smelt), bloodworm, krill, prawns and raw chicken. They also get 1 frozen pinky mouse every 2 weeks or so.
I know of a few people that keep 1 red belly piranha in a 30 gal tank. The piranha will more than likely be very happy too. As long as there is plenty of hiding places (as they are known to be shy) and a lot of filtration then you will be ok. I feed mine live a feeder occasionally (once a month) which i keep in a separate tank for a few weeks to make sure they are clear of any potential diseases. I also feed them frozen fish (smelt), bloodworm, krill, prawns and raw chicken. They also get 1 frozen pinky mouse every 2 weeks or so.
Thanks for your input, ill see if he likes the idea.

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