Not so amazing Cat Story


Fish Gatherer
Nov 7, 2003
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just became an american *play dramatic music*
My room mate and I ordered wings last night. We ate them, very much enjoyed them, then discarded them in the garbage. We then go to watch a movie. I get up several minutes later and find Marc(our newly adopted cat) pushing the garbage lid open to get at the goodies inside. I quickly correct the situation and put Marc elsewhere. I then go back later and i find a mysterious chicken bone out of the garbage can laying on the ground, barely touched. I begin my search for Marc. I then the find the sneaky ninja laying on the floor with this confused look on his face, while licking his chaps distraughtly like he had just tried molasses.

Unfortunately Marc didn't know we ate hot wings.

I only wish i had a camera to capture the moment or that look on his face. Well hopefully the dork has learned his lesson, lol.
Cats have to be the most busy body animals around .They are into everything here at my house and they love turning my house into a total wreck. When I go to the store I might as well set the bags in the floor because if I don't in five minites they hit the floor anyways. I dont know if that is how other peoples cats are but mine are monsters.. LOL....I dont think that yours has learned a lesson at all it will do the samething within a few hours..... :D :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
You must be able to read into the future Angel Lady b/c this morning the garbage was tipped over and there chicken bones on the floor. :crazy:
Marc's starting to remind me of a rebellious puppy! I thought getting a senior cat he'd be all docile and calm, but not this guy. Quite the little ninja at night. :shifty:
:D my cats dont eat the garbage but they do have a tendancy towards eating teh local wild life, (and leaveing their leftovers on the fornt porch :sick: )

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