I do feel for you. however its not the forum, or members at fault. if you feel the need for "back patting", this is not the place. its sad to some, but membership says it suites most.
to be fair, if your are upset with Fishyfeet, i would look to yourself, for fault, not her. she is one of the most fair, and level headed here. if she felt it right to chide you. I'll stand by here every time.
I remember it was hard to be told you are a chump, because of your stock or fish handling. it might hurt, but it's, invariably, true.
Wasnt me, ive never replied to this members posts before that i can remember,
but i stand by what i said, i think of the fish and if that upsets anyone, sorry, but you asked.
Thanks for the vote of confidence rap, your welcome to a good pasteing off me anytime