Not Happy

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I do feel for you. however its not the forum, or members at fault. if you feel the need for "back patting", this is not the place. its sad to some, but membership says it suites most.

to be fair, if your are upset with Fishyfeet, i would look to yourself, for fault, not her. she is one of the most fair, and level headed here. if she felt it right to chide you. I'll stand by here every time.

I remember it was hard to be told you are a chump, because of your stock or fish handling. it might hurt, but it's, invariably, true.

Wasnt me, :blush: ive never replied to this members posts before that i can remember,
but i stand by what i said, i think of the fish and if that upsets anyone, sorry, but you asked. -_-

Thanks for the vote of confidence rap, your welcome to a good pasteing off me anytime :wub:

:blush: :blush: oops.
If you don't like somebody's post, man up and say it to them. Either they'll back off or justify it, and you can rinse and repeat if you don't like their justification. It's all very well wanting a nicey-nicey forum, but you ain't going to get that all of the time simply due to fishkeeping being essentially opinion based.

Although I will say that a lot could be achieved if people actually wrote proper sentences and left out the annoying dramatic over reactions.
I Understand where ever one is coming from. And I thank you for you all taking your time to read this..
I didnt want this to turn into a national debate just wanted to make some points.

My whole issue is that is easily fixed is for all members to find out the facts before you reply to a member in a critical way.
Some times we read post and as stated before Are you Mad. We just need to find out the Facts first.
Also why is the reason behind it.

Regarding a few comments to me some meant nothing it was just advive given to me by a member.
Pictus catfish do better in groups.As I have one.
My reply was some thing along the lines of.... I tried to get more but for some reason My pictus doesnt like any new pictus catfish, He would rather swim with the Synodontis Euruptus catfish Not sure why.
He attacks the new ones every time. So after this comment was recieved i thought maybe i should try again. So i went and bought a smaller one and one the same size. Only to find out what i already knew.
So then had to rehome.. :angry:

My filteration a member commented on by looking at a picture. But for some reason it wasnt good enough. both my filters pump out 2000l/ph So a combined 4000L/Ph. I thought it was enough for Just over a 100G tank... Am i wrong? Do i need more???

I know that alot of good advice is on here. And I still beleive this is one of the better fish forums out there hence why i joined up.
If i need to post something in a topic i know that some people will now not reply. Thats fine. I probably wont post anymore as I know i wont be welcome after this...

Im not looking for back patting if some one is doing some thing that should not be. All i asked for and wanted my point to be heard is for Facts and figures beofre you Critique. I can take the criticism I can take the advice but not without others finding out more beofre they reply the way they do...
I can kinda see where they are coming from to a point, I have seen people on the forum, instead of saying 'look, that fish gets too big for that tank' just start screaming 'OMG!!! That tank is too small how cruel can you be?!?!?!?' and end their post like that. How in the world they expect that to be constructive to a newbie I will never know.

However, when someone calmly states mistakes in the tank and other people back it up and offer recommendations on how to fix it, that's actually helpful, as the person sees that the first guy isn't a wacko. I realize that we are quote 'not here to mollycuddle', but don't we also say this is the 'friendliest forum around' and that our members are very knowledgable?

It won't come off that way to the poor person on the recieving end of their first topic of an illstocked tank. Especially with this being a family forum. How are you going to feel when you find out that the 'cruel' person who is being told 'your fish are going to die' and 'that's like keeping a dog in a closet' is actually some 12yr old who's parents set them up with a tank as a present, because they have such an interest in the hobby. Not quite so righteous then I should hope.

Of course, I also swing the other way, I'm personally tired of five people explaining how to 'cycle' when three other people told them to check out the beginners pinned topic. Let them do a little research on their own, and then answer their questions as they come up. Don't spoon feed them. Might as well get them in the habit of researching now, if they plan to stay in the hobby they are going to have to get used to it. summary.

When I get up in the morning and go to work, I get cut off on the highway. Someone spills their coffee on my shoes and as I go up the staircase, someone has passed gas in there thinking it won't nail anyone else. Then, when you sit down to work, someone makes you laugh with a well placed joke.

Caring for a fish tank is an art with a bunch of science thrown in. When we post here, we get responses from a diverse group of people and all sorts of personalities. So....we get support, camaraderie, criticism and, sometimes, people don't respond at all.

Accepting criticism is a great trait to have. So is courage. If you feel you are doing something right, based on experience and knowledge, then, no need to have others sway you. However, if 30 people tell you that something is going to die or your tank will crash, I, personally, would take heed.

Keep your head up. This IS a great forum. Everyone gets a tough post from time to time, ON ALL FORUMS.

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