Not Eating


Fish Herder
Feb 10, 2006
Reaction score
New York, USA
I got Loki, my new red and black vailtail on friday, and he hasn't eaten anything at all. I'm giving him Betta bio-gold pellets. I know sometimes it takes them a couple of days to adjust to new food, Alex didn't eat for one or 2, Damien Dug right in. but Loki hasn't eaten in 4 days, is this normal? :/
I've tried flakes, he just kind of looks at them. I'm on a bit of a budget which doesn't really include live food, as it is a bit expensive. I don't know what to do. Some of my platies are pregnant, would fry be a good snack for him? :/
i would think so as my betta loves baby guppies but if he isnt eating any flake food, no freeze dried food, or frozen food, and if you try baby fry and he wont eat that i would suspect he is sick or somethings wrong but dont quote me on anything as i am not a betta expert

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