Noooooooooo, Xbox 360 Rrod After Update!

my son had this problem, Xbox/microsoft "fixed " the problem once and it happend again just outside warranty, he has a cure tho,

over heat it for about 45 mins- yes i thought he was mental too when he told me what he was doing! ( he wraps it in towels etc) this is only any good as a short term fix tho.

apparently its a welding problem?
Haven't had trouble with my elite, got it november last year.
The majority of failing one's seem to be old versions.
There's going to be loads of awesome games coming out sep-nov :D
360 is a much better gaming machine than the ps3, so wouldn't go over to ps3 at all.

am happy to wait for microsoft to fix mine.
my machine isn't all that old only around 2 years, and it does get used almost every day! so i guess we've had a good run out of it!

as for games coming out, teh only one i can't wait for is the Call of Duty.
the previous two have been awesome, and the wife and i still play CoD 4 most days. (well we did anyways...... :-( )
360 is a much better gaming machine than the ps3, so wouldn't go over to ps3 at all.

am happy to wait for microsoft to fix mine.
my machine isn't all that old only around 2 years, and it does get used almost every day! so i guess we've had a good run out of it!

as for games coming out, teh only one i can't wait for is the Call of Duty.
the previous two have been awesome, and the wife and i still play CoD 4 most days. (well we did anyways...... :-( )

lmao, yeah much better. :blink:

My PS3 is used prety much everyday too, as a music player, video player, blu-ray player and games machine and has'nt had to go back to Sony...and I've had it since launch day.
The only people who seem to prefer ps3 as a gaming console is those who don't play with others online and those who have had ps2's, so they are used to the controllers :p
I get HD movies for my 360 from lovefilm, and I didn't buy it to play movies anyway.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Blue ray may even be kicked out like HD was too

not me, I had a PS2 and Xbox. Then bought an Xbox 360 on release day, and a PS3 on release day. Xbox 360 had RRoD so I replaced it with a 360 Elite, but never, ever played it due to having the PS3, so I sold it.
Also had Xbox live for 2 years, which seemed a waste of money compared to the free service Sony offered. Having rechargeable controllers seemed like a better idea to me too, along with not having to buy a wi-fi adaptor (PS3 has one built in) then, when you add the reliability and blu-ray on top, it seemed like a no-brainer to me.
Unlike most who have an opinion, I have owned both for a good length of time and base my experiences on fact, not what I've heard or read about.

Regarding China Blue High Definiton Discs, its possible of course, nothing these days is future proof, you'd be silly to think otherwise. I just done a quick search on, who offer blu-ray players from the following manufacturers: Sony, Samsung, Panasonic, LG, Pioneer, Sharp, Phillips, Onkyo and JVC - so a fair amount of money has been spent of research and development, so I'd bet on it being around for a wee while yet.

Surely opening the case would invalidate the warranty? Anyways I'd rather it worked out of the box, rather than having to modify it myself...and selling a kit with enough components to fix 10 Xboxes? Alarm bells are ringing :D
The only people who seem to prefer ps3 as a gaming console is those who don't play with others online and those who have had ps2's, so they are used to the controllers :p
I get HD movies for my 360 from lovefilm, and I didn't buy it to play movies anyway.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Blue ray may even be kicked out like HD was too

not me, I had a PS2 and Xbox. Then bought an Xbox 360 on release day, and a PS3 on release day. Xbox 360 had RRoD so I replaced it with a 360 Elite, but never, ever played it due to having the PS3, so I sold it.
Also had Xbox live for 2 years, which seemed a waste of money compared to the free service Sony offered. Having rechargeable controllers seemed like a better idea to me too, along with not having to buy a wi-fi adaptor (PS3 has one built in) then, when you add the reliability and blu-ray on top, it seemed like a no-brainer to me.
Unlike most who have an opinion, I have owned both for a good length of time and base my experiences on fact, not what I've heard or read about.
Ahh, fair enough.Some will always prefer 1 over another!Just like I prefer the xbox 360.

Regarding China Blue High Definiton Discs, its possible of course, nothing these days is future proof, you'd be silly to think otherwise. I just done a quick search on, who offer blu-ray players from the following manufacturers: Sony, Samsung, Panasonic, LG, Pioneer, Sharp, Phillips, Onkyo and JVC - so a fair amount of money has been spent of research and development, so I'd bet on it being around for a wee while yet.
Always the advocate.I here often enough "the real reason i bought a ps3 is for blueray", that's why I mentioned it:shifty:
Warner bros invested in HD DVD, must have lost millions

Surely opening the case would invalidate the warranty? Anyways I'd rather it worked out of the box, rather than having to modify it myself...and selling a kit with enough components to fix 10 Xboxes? Alarm bells are ringing :D
I've yet to here of any recent models breaking down :D
I've got 2 xbox 360s and wouldnt switch over to a ps3 after playing on one at my mates, its much more inferior in terms of gameplay and actual games.

Admitedly, one of my 360s has had rrod twice and the other once, but they get fixed for free so i dont really care to be honest.
quick update..... it woudl seem that my xbox has been repaired/replaced and is on its way back to me!
not bad considering i only shipped it on Monday!

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