Noob with a Big Tank

I prefer to turn everything off. I don’t fancy experimenting with water and electrics.
You don't know what you're missing, it's good fun. I got electrocuted plenty of times when I was young and I'm alright, well if you don't count a stuffed heart and hair that stands up all the time. And the fact I shake all the time and look like a mouse that got electrocuted :)
You don't know what you're missing, it's good fun. I got electrocuted plenty of times when I was young and I'm alright, well if you don't count a stuffed heart and hair that stands up all the time. And the fact I shake all the time and look like a mouse that got electrocuted :)
It's quality that counts not the looks :rofl:
Neons and zebra danios shouldnt be kept together. Zebras are fast erratic swimmer while neons are peacful slower swimmers and erratic swimming patterns of the danios will stress the neons out and also the zebras will out compete the tetras for food.
Id stick with either similar sized tetras and rehome the danios or rehome the tetras and put other fast swimming fish with danios.
But not both together
I don't think so.
Neon tetra are Bottom - Mid swimmer
And Danios keep staying on top.
I have 40 Gallon of 12 Neon and 8 Danios. They're great companion IMO. They life together for almost 9 month now.
My son, an electrician/handyman, told me I should turn off everything electrical in the tank before putting my hands in the water. If a piece of equipment has malfunctioned, the fish will be fine as they are not earthed (like birds on a power line). But we are - hands in the tank and feet on the floor. So we would get electrocuted while the fish are fine.

Did you know that humans can work on live overhead cables if they are suspended under a helicopter?

For tank maintenance, turn the heater off. If the water level drops below the heating element and the heater turns on, it could shatter. Internal filters should be turned off as the dropping water level would leave the impeller running in air which would burn the motor out. For external (cannister) filters, as long as the water level stays above the end of the tube taking water out of the tank, you can leave it running.
I don't think so.
Neon tetra are Bottom - Mid swimmer
And Danios keep staying on top.
I have 40 Gallon of 12 Neon and 8 Danios. They're great companion IMO. They life together for almost 9 month now.
Its not about swimming levels its about swimming behavior. Danios are hyper active fast erratic swimmers neons are slow calm swimmers. The fast paced erratic swimming of danios stresses neons out for the same reason it isnt suggested keeping fast swimming tetras like blue tetras and bloid fin tetras or even bigger peaceful tetras like congos with neons, because while they are tetras their different energy and swimming patterns stress out the slower fish not to mention the faster fish out compete the slower fish for food. In the wild neons are found with similar sized fish that have similar swimming speed styles, the presence of similar sized fish exhibiting similar swimming patterns and speed signal to the fish the lack of predators, where as erratic fast swimming indicates to the neons danger, the erratic swimming of danios dont indicate to neons the absence of predators they indicate the presence if danger, and again the danios out compete neons for food. Keeping neons with similar sized fish with similar swimming habits like glo light tetra black neon dwarf pencil fish and harlequin rasboras will ensure they feel safer and fish that feel safe are less stressed and less stressed fish are healthier fish.
9 months isnt enough to buck 1000s of years of evolution. Your fish may look "fine" but just being alive isnt always "fine"
Did you know that humans can work on live overhead cables if they are suspended under a helicopter?
Yep, as long as you don't touch 2 wires at the same time, or don't touch the ground while touching a wire, you are fine. That's why birds can sit on the wire and not get fruzzled, unless 2 birds on different wires decide to touch beaks, then it's all over.
Comparing A Natural habitat to the tank isn't logical if you don't do biotope.
Using fish tank = New Home for Fishes
While Fish Staying at 1 place they adapting.
Inside Tank, they have a limited way to go and Fish do remember tank size. Tankmates, and even every single hardscape placement.
Unlike in Nature Habitat. If they stay too long in Wild Habitat they adapting to where they used to be. And yet most aquarium fish is from breeding or even import. Not A fresh catch from the wild. So most of the fish already used to "fish tank" or maybe they didn't even know about the wild since they live inside fish tank their entire life. And there are many people keeping neon and Danios together. It's not a unique combination.
For feeding, I use some trick by using "bait". Since danios stay on top of the aquarium and neon only going to the top when there's food.
Use a small amount of food and make the neon going to the top and when both danios & Neon at the top, spread the food on your aquarium.
I can't indicate " happy fish" but I believe no stress sign is enough.
But idk. I'll let people choose. I don't really push people to believe on me that neon & Danios are compatible lol. I saw group of zebra danios killing Group of Neon bc of lack of tank space.
Just speaking out my opinion
Comparing A Natural habitat to the tank isn't logical if you don't do biotope.
Using fish tank = New Home for Fishes
While Fish Staying at 1 place they adapting.
Inside Tank, they have a limited way to go and Fish do remember tank size. Tankmates, and even every single hardscape placement.
Unlike in Nature Habitat. If they stay too long in Wild Habitat they adapting to where they used to be. And yet most aquarium fish is from breeding or even import. Not A fresh catch from the wild. So most of the fish already used to "fish tank" or maybe they didn't even know about the wild since they live inside fish tank their entire life. And there are many people keeping neon and Danios together. It's not a unique combination.
For feeding, I use some trick by using "bait". Since danios stay on top of the aquarium and neon only going to the top when there's food.
Use a small amount of food and make the neon going to the top and when both danios & Neon at the top, spread the food on your aquarium.
I can't indicate " happy fish" but I believe no stress sign is enough.
But idk. I'll let people choose. I don't really push people to believe on me that neon & Danios are compatible lol. I saw group of zebra danios killing Group of Neon bc of lack of tank space.
Just speaking out my opinion
People keep lots of fish together they arent whats best for the fish. As a responsible pet owner i do all i can within limits to ensure my fish have a stress free environment and as habital home as possible. A few generations removed from the wild and being tank bred doesnt buck 1000's of years if evolution. Fish have evolved the way they have to live in certain conditions, for instance plenty of people keep neons in harder water and theyll live for a bit in those conditions and their organs and bodies arent evolved to process the mineral content in hard water and their organs slowly shut down and the fish health slowly deteriorates ending in premature dearh. Neons havent evolved to live with danios. Anytime one makes a decision to stray away from what a fish has eveloved to survive in ,its one more added stress that can be avoided. Can people choose? Sure people can mix goldfish with cichlids and do and there are consequences for choices and id rather others make informed choices. The readily available imformation suggests that keeping danios and neons together negatively impacts the neons, thats what the science says which i tend to value more in making my decisions regarding the keeping of fish.
I was thinking about getting some clown loaches. I was wondering about gourami. I am learning to ask first and buy second.
I was thinking about getting some clown loaches. I was wondering about gourami. I am learning to ask first and buy second.
I would start a new thread so we can help

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