Noob with a Big Tank

Nice to hear you have loads of oxygen going in for your fish while it's doing the cycle and if you get ammonia spikes and nitrite keep doing water changes every day of 30% with the size tank you have, as i had to do this with my 60 gallon it helps the fish to cope and if nitrate exceeds over 20 also do it. ;)
Thanks for the feedback.
Thanks for the feedback.
Only do constant water changes if levels get to high on all 3 or like me i had one day of nitrate hitting 40 and it dropped the next day but for 2 whole weeks i was doing 25% daily as my ammonia was 0.25 and nitrite 2ppm, how my fish stopped alive god knows but i had 3 lots of air flow pumping besides a submerged pump.
your right on this score as when i added danios my sparkling gouramis kept well out the way.
Sorry to jump in on this thread. @Tez_20 how are your sparkling gouramis with the rest of the community? Do you have them in pairs? I’d love to add a couple to my tank once it’s finished it’s cycle.
Sorry to jump in on this thread. @Tez_20 how are your sparkling gouramis with the rest of the community? Do you have them in pairs? I’d love to add a couple to my tank once it’s finished it’s cycle.
Well sparkling gourami are only small don't get that big but they keep to themselves and my fish are all males as i didn't want breeding. They get on great but their hiding spot is plants and they're fine with false plants because that's what i only have.
I've just found this old video and if you watch the top of the roman statue you'll see one appear ;)

@communityfluvalroma just found a better one for you, you'll see the two together on the right at the top of the video and seeing them coming down together, with the right community of fish they're fine.
Sorry for disturbing the discussion just helping a member

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Well sparkling gourami are only small don't get that big but they keep to themselves and my fish are all males as i didn't want breeding. They get on great but their hiding spot is plants and they're fine with false plants because that's what i only have.
I've just found this old video and if you watch the top of the roman statue you'll see one appear ;)

That’s amazing, thank you for sharing the video. I spotted him. Definitely going to be getting a couple. What a healthy looking tank!
@communityfluvalroma just found a better one for you, you'll see the two together on the right at the top of the video and seeing them coming down together, with the right community of fish they're fine.
Sorry for disturbing the discussion just help a members

Awesome, thank you so much. You’ve really helped, mind made up!

Apologies @Dbrs4me for jumping on your thread. Best of luck with the new tank. Set up right and following the advice on here, I have no doubt you’ll have a home full of tanks.
Could I add an African dwarf frog to this tank?
No. African dwarf frogs should be kept in species only tanks. They also need tanks that are not too tall of they cant swimming to the surface and will suffocate.

They have poor eyesight and will not be able to compete for food when kept with fish, if kept in a community tank they will starve. Fish will likely nip at the frogs when they are coming up for air
No. African dwarf frogs should be kept in species only tanks. They also need tanks that are not too tall of they cant swimming to the surface and will suffocate.

They have poor eyesight and will not be able to compete for food when kept with fish, if kept in a community tank they will starve. Fish will likely nip at the frogs when they are coming up for air
I agree with @JuiceBox52 we just had this discussion on another thread. ADF are too slow to compete with fish for food and really are best kept in their own tank. A 10 gallon would work well for several of them with maybe a snail. They will also get nipped by even community fish if they come between them and their food.
Hey guys, need to do a water change. Do I turn everything off when I start the change or leave it all running? I don’t think the water level will drop below the canister filters intake , but not sure what the best process is.
Hey guys, need to do a water change. Do I turn everything off when I start the change or leave it all running? I don’t think the water level will drop below the canister filters intake , but not sure what the best process is.
Well usually it's heater off and the pump and any submerged filter you have going but when i do mine it's only 6 buckets and my heater is below it, so the only things running is my air brick and heater.
Hey guys, need to do a water change. Do I turn everything off when I start the change or leave it all running? I don’t think the water level will drop below the canister filters intake , but not sure what the best process is.
I prefer to turn everything off. I don’t fancy experimenting with water and electrics.

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