Nominations For April 2010 Potm Competition.

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Ludwig Venter

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jun 7, 2008
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South Africa
This is the place to post your pets who were nominated from April 1st thru April 30th.

In your post please include the following information:

1. The link to the two nominations by other members
2. The picture that was nominated. If the same animal was nominated twice in two different pictures, please choose one. This does not apply to different animals from the same forum member.
3. The name/s of the animal/s

Thanks for your participation!

The nominations will close on April 30th at 12h00 GMT.
stormy nominated and seconded in this thread by Tolak and lorax
Flash and my son Harry as nominated by Seffie and Bae1994 in this thread

AKGrown's dog Connor. Nominated and seconded in this thread:
Myself and Bella doglet sunning ourselves in the garden :)


Nominated and seonded by LV and Seffie in the owners that look like their pets post... will add link in a minute...
My puppy Mishka nominated and seconded on this thread

this is my puppy she is 7,she is blind has a rare blindness disability called sards vote for her it would make mine and hers day!
(o and the date on my camera is messed up i don't know how to set it)


  • n669360506_48212_7259.jpg
    34.5 KB · Views: 57


Where he was nominated:

(I hope I did this correctly?)
I'll second it if i'm aloud because i like her.

Missy x.
this is my puppy she is 7,she is blind has a rare blindness disability called sards vote for her it would make mine and hers day!
(o and the date on my camera is messed up i don't know how to set it)

Hi Hughes.... Actually, if you read the rules to POTM competition, it works like this:

You start a topic and tell us a little bit about your pet and also post some photos of it. One of the members will then nominate the pet (if they find it particularly cute or beautiful) for the POTM competition, (and not the owner). Another member then has to second such nomination and only then, is such nominated and seconded photo moved across to this pinned "nomination" thread.

Now, in your case, You nominated the dog, (which is not allowed - as you are the owner) and it was seconded by misscosmo. (apart from the picture being in the wrong thread).

I will thus accept her seconding of the photo as being the nominating thereof and if someone else now seconds the photo, (without you canvassing for votes), you will have a valid entry.

That is it in a nutshell, but I do suggest the you just read through the POTM rules as pinned at the top of this section.
Awwww what type of dog is he/she?
Has he/she got chihuahua in it?

Missy x.
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