Noisy Hydor Koralia


Fish Fanatic
Nov 25, 2008
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Just purchased a Koralia 1 to help combat an algae problem and improve water flow.

Installed it yesterday but I have to say that it is so noisy!

Is this a problem others have experienced with this type of pump, and what are the chances of it becoming quieter?

Here's hoping anyway! :/
Mine is exactly the same, I find that switching it off then on a few times cures it, it does come back every so often mind you but its no big deal.
This is disappointing to hear! After one spends great sums to have a quiet filter....

I'll be interested to hear if you can solve it in the same way as gav.

Wonder if the Two would be quieter than the One? Do they have adjustable speed?

Quite normal for the "cheap" Koralias to suffer cavitation when new for a few weeks. it's just an airlock being minced up by the propeller or magnet basically. Switching it on and off a few times as Garry says should fix it, and eventually it will "bed in" and shut-up :good: If you wanted a quiet and reliable pump out of the box, you'd have got a Tunze stream or nanostream :lol: :p (Nice bit of equipment snobbery for a Thursday afternoon :rolleyes: )
Pleased to say that turning it on and off certainly has done the trick.

It does get a little noisy at times but I just switch it off and straight on again.

I'm glad for the advice because I don't think I could have stood the noise from it otherwise. :crazy:

Flow seems good though! :good:
I had a Koralia when they first came out and it was noisy too. Didn't like it at all.

I was looking for a pump not so long ago and my LFS convinced me to try them again. It turns out that the pin through the impeller was metal on the early models and that is what caused the noise. They've now changed them to plastic, and true to his word, my LFS was absolutely right, silence.

Great pumps!

I'd be interested to hear whether the pin through the impeller is metal or plastic in the Koralias you guys have? The difference is like night and day!

I found that the noise from mine was coming from the little guard you clip on the front.
It would be silent when 1st switched on but then start to vibrate so I've just kept it off.
I am pretty sure the pin through the impeller is metal in the model I have.

It does quieten down after switching it off thank goodness. I dont think it is the front guard making the noise on mine.

Am very pleased with the flow provided though, hoping it will help sort my algae problems.

I purchased it from Charterhouse Aquatics, very speedy service indeed. :good:

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