Nobody's Eating The Frozen Bloodworms?!?!


Fish Crazy
Jul 3, 2006
Reaction score
Long Island, NY

My betta totally ignored the frozen bloodworms, prefering to eat his usual freeze dried ones! And my mollies and barbs in another tank did the same thing!

Am I supposed to present it on a silver platter?

-Wendy :D :lol: :lol: :lol: :eek: :hyper:
hmmm, all 50 something of my fish are completely the opposite lol, i would suggest maybe not feeding them for a day, which is ok, and then they wont know any better really when it comes to feeding them the frozen stuff.

mine only like the frozen completely thawed. I then put them in hot water ar microwave for 2 seconds so they look as if they might still be alive :hyper: :hyper:
Cleo flared at frozen blood worms for 2 days. Then he started eating them.
The neons love them .... don't know how they manage to eat it.
I defrost mine in warm water then feed, all my fish love it, included my bettas.
you should see my threadfin rainbowfish eat it lol, they go around with it poking out of there mouth for about half an hour.

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