Near me there is a petco and petsmart, and a good walmart. We all know the fish that they sell, basic everyday fish. My lfs also carys those exact same fish! They may have one or two unique fish, but usually it is all the same. The wont even order fish for you, which IMO is a terrible thing to do if you want buisness! I cant order over the net because shipping to my state is rediculous! More than even the fish them selves!
I really want unique fish, but no wher has any. What am I to do? I despretly want some unique dwarf cichlids!
edit: Actually the lfs did have a clown pleco for $50. But that seems a bit to much!
I really want unique fish, but no wher has any. What am I to do? I despretly want some unique dwarf cichlids!
edit: Actually the lfs did have a clown pleco for $50. But that seems a bit to much!