No Bubbles Nests


Fish Gatherer
Apr 24, 2012
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At what age do bettas start making bubble nests?  Mine still hasn't ever made one... nor flared for that matter... he is a really happy little dude!  LOL
First he needs to be old enough. Immature bettas are often sold in pet shops. When the betta reaches sexual maturity, he will be inspired to build a bubble nest if he sees a female betta. Do you have a female Betta if not that is possibly why.
Not all male Bettas make bubble nests they're all different, some make really large nests others never blow more than a couple of bubbles. It doesn't mean they're unhappy if they don't make nests
Not all bettas make bubble nests or flare and doing these things does not relate to health at all. 
Male bettas do not need a female to be "inspired" to create bubble nests.
Bettas will start blowing bubblenests around the time they are getting to be sexually mature which for most is 3 + months old.  Most pet store bettas are way older than that - a lot of them at least a year old unless you are buying ones that are marked as baby bettas.
Bubblenesting is something that is different with every individual.  Some males bubblenest all the time even making multiple nests in their tank.  Some will only bubblenest when in view of a female or another male. And some never make a bubblenest at all even when being spawned.  (I have had individuals that fit all 3 categories)
Bubblenesting is only a sign that the male is sexually mature and not a sign of happiness or even good health. 
Prairie -- Your boy seems very healthy and I wouldn't worry about him not bubblenesting or flaring at all.  :D
Oh, I thought they all made them when they were mature.  Mine was small (not marked as a baby though) when I bought him (I'd say he still isn't as big as the betta I had before though).  I've been waiting for the flaring (which I know he can do as he flared at my finger in the shop and I bought him because of that and his liveliness but hasn't since then)... and not so much as a single bubble yet.

I should try and measure his body length later so I can estimate his age... there must be an approximate guide somewhere online.

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