No beginners luck!

Davey is right, Neon’s don't like salt but they can live with a small amount. I emphasize the 'live with'! If you want the best conditions for Neon’s to thrive then salt is a no-no.

GL -
When I last kept neons, my hardness and PH were 10 and 7.5 respectively. I am beginning to think they were falling prey to my catfish and large Pleco due to the neon habit of sleeping on the bottom.
Neon’s should be fine with these readings, I think the most likely cause of your losses is the Catfish/Pleco as you said.

GL -
I am beginning to think acclimation is the key.

Spot on m8! :) ‘acclimation’ is, imho, the key to successfully keeping Neon’s. That and keeping the water conditions stable afterward.

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