Lets revisit the assumption that any level of ammonia exposure that can show up on a test kit harms fish and the fact that you appear to be basing this conclusion on the Arizona Univ. site
/ag.arizona.edu/azaqua/ista/ISTA8/mohamedshreif12.pdf This was the one you suggested showed that .01 ppm of NH3-N was harmful to fish.
If you go back an reread it here is what you are going to find that should stand out:
1. The test subjects were fingerlings weight about 2/3 of an ounce. Very young fish are more susceptible than older fish. So there was already a predisposition for ammonia exposure to be more harmful to them than to more mature fish.
2. They measured the effects of 4 different concentrations of HN3-N over 75 days and then did the testing on a number of parameters. The concentrations were .01, .05, .10 and .15 ppm and a control was used with no added ammonia and which tested at .004 ppm naturally produced.
3. The first parameter reviewed was mean individual body weight. And here is the conclusion for that:
The statistical analysis of mean results indicated that the mean individual weight of Nile tilapia (O. niloticus) fingerlings showed no significant (P ≤0.05) differences between FBW of tilapia in the control (0.004mg/l UIA-N) and FBW ofthose exposed to (0.01 and 0.05 mg/l UIA-N). While, FBW of tilapia exposed to 0.1 and 0.15 mg/l UIA-N was significantly (P ≤0.05) reduced from the control. The results showed that the lowest-observable effect concentration on the FBW was 0.1 mg/l UIA-N .
So the conclusion here is that neither .01 or .05 ppm had a significant effect on body weight.
4. The second parameter was the mean body weight gain. And here is the conclusion for that:
Generally, mean body weight gain was significantly reduced in concentrations of 0.1 and 0.15 mg/l UIA-N compared to the control ones.
Note the insignificant difference at .01 ppm and the barely significant difference at .05 ppm
5. The Third parameter was the average daily body weight gain. And here is the conclusion for that:
It can be shown from the statistical analysis that there was no significant (P ≥0.05) differences between the average dailybody weight gain of (O. niloticus) fingerlings in the control (0.004 mg/l UIA-N) and of those exposed to(0.01 and 0.05 mg/l UIA-N).
Again, note no significant effect at .01 and 05 ppm levels.
6. The fourth parameter was average food consumption and the conclusion:
Generally, significant differences were found between UIA-N concentrations (0.1and 0.15 mg/l) and control (0.004 mg/l ,P ≤0.05). While, the differences were not significant (P ≥0.05) between food consumption in the control and of those exposed to UIA-N concentrations (0.01 and 0.05 mg/l).
Once more the .01 and .05 ppm concentrations were not significantly different from the control.
7. The fifth parameter was specific growth rate, and here again are the results:
The statistical analysis showed no significant differences (P ≥0.05) between the control group (0.004 mg/l UIA-N) and groups exposed to(0.01 and0.05 mg/l UIA-N).
I am getting tired of typing over and over that at the .01 and .05 ppm concentrations were not significantly different from the control.
8. The sixth parameter was the feed conversion ratio. Look at table 6 (I can't reproduce it here) which shows no significant difference between .01, .05 and the control at .004 ppm
9. The seventh parameter was blood measurements (for Hematocrit value (PCV%)) and it concluded:
Generally, significant differences were found between the UIA-N concentrations 0.05, 0.1, 0.15 and 0.004 mg/l (P ≤0.05). But the differences were not significant (P ≥0.05) between UIA-N
(0.01 mg/l) and control ones (0.004 mg/l).
Here is the first time any significant difference was found at the .05 ppm level but still not at .01 ppm
10. The eighth parameter was the average hemoglobin concentration in the blood and trhe conclusion:
It can be concluded that there were differences in the average Hb concentration of (O niloticus) fingerlings at the UIA-N concentrations (0.05, 0.1, 0.15 and 0.004 mg/l). While, there were no significant differences between UIA-N concentration (0.01 mg/l) and control (0.004 mg/l).
Still not seeing anything significant for that .01 ppm level. And anemia is not that hard to reverse I believe?
11. The ninth parameter was the start of the histopathological studies which began with the gills and found:
Examination of tissues from Nile tilapia (O. niloticus) fingerlings after 75 days of exposure to (0.01 mg/l) UIA-N concentration showed, slight pathological alteration. The gills secondary lamellae showed mild vacuolation (Figure 2), mild hyperplasia of epithelium.
This is the first time any damage was show for .01 ppm and it is described as mild and it was after 75 days of exposure. I consider this only somewhat significant due to the time factor. No cycle takes 15 days unless it is badly botched imo.
12. The tenth parameter was tests on the kidneys. This showed:
Examination of tissues from Nile tilapia (O. niloticus) fingerlings after 75 days of exposure to (0.01 mg/l) UIA-N concentration showed marked hyaline droplet degeneration and swelling of renal tubules.
This is the second sign of any effect at .01 ppm and again was after 75 days of exposure. There is no indication if any of the "damage" reported at the .01 ppm level is either permanent or reversible nor how it may or may not effect the fish over their entire life after the 75 days. We have no input regarding any pain. What we can certainly conclude from this not to keep very young fish in .01 ppm of ammonia for 75 days. It doesn't help us to know the effects of only a 15 or 20 day exposure. And the trout study results mentioned don't really apply to fish one might have in a home aquarium. Trout are know to be very sensitive. The higher levels of ammonia were clearly negative in their effects.
13. The eleventh parameter they investigate was the liver and they found:
Examination of tissues from Nile tilapia (O. niloticus) fingerlingsafter 75 days of exposure to (0.01 mg/l) UIA-N concentration showed that some hepatic cells were vacuolated (Figure 12).
There is clearly some effect at the .01 ppm level here also. How serious or how permanent it is we can not tell from their description. Does it cause pain, is it reversible, does it effect lifespan can not be concluded form the data provided. The higher levels of ammonia were clearly negative in their effects.
14. The final parameter was the LC levels. But since you want to rule out that as an issue for dicussion, there is no point in looking at the results. It is interesting to note how high the concentrations are relative to .01 ppm.
15. The study reaches the following conclusion:
It could be concluded that Nile tilapia (O. niloticus) fingerlings with average weight 19.0± 1.0 g, were more suitable to culture at water UIA-N concentration of 0.01- 0.004 mg/l for optimum growth performance and survival rate than other water conditions.
Now a lab full of scientists doing hands on controlled research comes to this conclusion regarding very young fish. You disagree with that conclusion, but have not yet been able to provide other relevant research that would indicate otherwise.
But all of the above departs from the real topic at hand. A .25 ppm ammonia reading on a salicylate test kit under the common tank conditions and dechlor (or other needed additive) dosing where a fish in cycle is being done and exposure times are much more limited. The one thing that study does for sure is to indicate one should not keep baby fish in low levels of ammonia for extended periods (i.e. those exposure times significantly longer than during cycling).
The other interesting thing one can draw from the study is in regard to the .05 ppm level of NH3. While for the most part it was not significant, it was not completely so. And the descriptions from the above study would seem to be in agreement with the Merck Veterinary Manual's conclusion that harm happens at .05 ppm.
You stated "I'm still confused why you keep using the term irreversible? I've stated several times that I do not believe we can ethically ignore temporary pain and damage that will heal but you have not acknowledged this."
It is simple, life is not perfect. All living things are subjected to adverse experiences. Lets use humans as an example. No parent wants their child to suffer, they would never want then to break a leg. based on that sentiment it would seem wise to keep one's children wrapped in padding and to forbid them from going anywhere they might possible break a bone. But the fact is that one can not live life this way. So many children with break a leg. It will hurt, it will take time to heal, But in the longer run it will not have any long term impact. Yes is will be painful and unpleasant, but not a material consideration for the overall quality of life over the entire lifetime of the child.
Well it is the same for fish as far as I am concerned. A harm/pain free life is an impossible dream. Every living thing is likely to experience pain and injury as a part of being alive. So the question becomes one of a tradeoff. To protect the child from ever breaking a leg requires the child be deprived of the the good things in life to prevent a transient bit of suffering that causes no permanent or long term harm. A bad trade if you ask me. What is really important is to protect the child from serious harm, damage or suffering. There is a big difference between an ouch that heals and has no long term impact on quality of life and something more traumatic and with permanent consequences.
In the absence of reasonable evidence that short term low level ammonia exposure causes pain, in the absence of evidence that it causes irreversible damage that impacts the overall quality of life for a fish, I am unprepared to trade a likely non harmful level of ammonia exposure for a short period of time for a potentially damaging lower level of exposure for a longer time that may actually do so.
I also refute your assertion that the science I offered was only concerned with what kills fish and not lesser issues. "I've brought this subject up because your guidelines were based on research that was unconcerned with minor physiological effects on fish." Then how do you explain that I listed studies for you to look at with titles like
Acute toxicity and sublethal effects, Acute and chronic toxicity of ammonia, Metabolic consequences of chronic sublethal ammonia exposure ?
I think these all look at either lower levels or longer term exposures and effects as well is death.
And I am not in agreement with using a .01 ppm level of NH3-N as the concentration that is a danger over the short term or which causes harm or pain, especially when very young fish are not involved. That is a number you chose. For my part, I do not think it is even .02 ppm when the time frame is days. And I can not find science that suggests it is in terms of those species relevant to most newbie hobby tanks and especially for the fish being used during a fish in cycle.