Quick update and question:
I noticed that the cloudy bloom is clearing nicely now. I turned the light on to have a better look...
I noticed some weird white 'foggy slime' waving in the flow of the water on the gravel near the filter.
Its hard to describe so I took a short video of it. What is it? Bacterial colony?
Levels as of time of filming this video were:
Ammo - 0ppm
Nitrites - 5ppm
Nitrates - 5/10ppm
pH - 8/8.2
Temp - 82-84F
Lights have been off for 95% of the last 3 days. No direct sunlight.
The gravel is black but it looks grey where that stuff (bio-film?) is growing.
Heres the Video (Youtube Link) - It was filmed on an iphone and kept losing focus, sorry.