Grey is good.
It's tough to tell which test, if either, is correct. If you could get outside confirmation (like maybe have a LFS test the water), that would help.
If, in fact, you have close to 0 ammonia, .5-.7 nitrites, and 30 ppm nitrates, then you're probably in good shape, and it'll probably just take a little more time.
You do make some good points. And, in general, I would agree with not changing the water during cycling. However, this is my thinking about this particular case:
Panboy's situation doesn't seem normal at all. He had what seems to be over 50 pm nitrites and 250 ppm nitrates -- which seems abnormally high. While changing the water does seem counter-productive, I would think that at those high levels (that is, in this particular case), diluting the water wouldn't be much of a problem. That is, even though there would be substanitally less nitrites in the water, there would still be "plenty". I could, of course, be wrong.
Chuck's listed method seems sound (as it should, since it's merely a variation of the standard "cycling with fish"), but it assumes you want and have a fairly "high-tech" plant setup. It would also mean he'd have to "start over", and would probably take an additional 4-6 weeks to cycle.
Not a bad option, but if "starting over" is in the plan, then personally I'd go with BioSpira. But, that's just my opinion, and I know others' vary.