I've lost all 4 aceis, 2 bumblebees, and 1 electric yellow.
I have one albino zebra that is keeping to itself in the back corner of the tank, just like most of the others did, so I'm thinking it won't be around much longer.
The other 2 bumblebees (especially the two bumblebees) and the other 3 albinos and 3 electric yellows act and look happy and healthy. The plecos look and act great as well.
There's two yellow labs who keep swimming in counter clockwise circles with eachother. I don't know if they're sizing up the other, or dancing to impress, playing, whatever, but I've seen them do it a few times, anywhere up to 20 seconds or so, and they just stop and go back to whatever it was they were previously doing. Very interesting to see.
I'm hoping this albino pulls through, but if not, I'm hoping the rest will be fine, as they seem to be loving the setup, loving the food, and loving the company. I have hardly seen any aggression at all, and for the last while when the problems first started happening, I've been watching them like a hawk, paying attention to how they act from one day to the next. I hope the cut down in numbers doesn't cause an increase in aggression, though.
As far as the water, I still show 0 ppm ammonia, 5 nitrates, pH of 8.2, temp at 79*F, and the highest the nitrites have gotten in a 24 hour period was slightly under .50, but most days it's been more than 0, but less than .25. I do the necessary water changes in regards to the reading, and apply back an equal percentage of salt to equal out to about 1/4 of the recommended dosage for my tank, because of the plecs.